Elizabeth Carlson

Von Karman Instructor (Postdoc) - California Institute of Technology

Hello and welcome everyone!

My research interests include partial differential equations and fluid dynamics, with practical emphases in data assimilation, optimization, high performance computing, and numerical analysis. I find the intersection of theoretical and applied mathematics to be more fruitful than studying either subject in isolation.  When I'm not working, I like to hike, read (voraciously), and play piano.

I am a part of or lead the following groups:

ADAPT (link forthcoming!)

A continuous data assimilation research group.  We meet weekly (almost) year-round, discussing our collective projects.  Visit our website or reach out if you are interested in joining our efforts!

Virtual Stochastic Reading Seminar

A group of determined deterministic people who want to understand all things stochastic.  Email me if you would like to join us.  We meet this fall on Thursdays at 9 AM PST, so our European friends can join us.