Eliza O'Reilly
I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Applied Mathematics & Statistics at Johns Hopkins University.
I was previously a Postdoctoral Scholar in Computing and Mathematical Sciences at the California Institute of Technology sponsored by Profs. Venkat Chandrasekaran and Joel Tropp. I received my PhD in Mathematics in August 2019 from the University of Texas at Austin where I was fortunate to be advised by Prof. François Baccelli.
My research interests lie broadly in the mathematics of data science. My work lies at the intersections of stochastic and convex geometry, high dimensional probability, and statistical learning theory. You can read more about my work here and see a list of my publications here.
Contact: eoreill2@jh.edu
Office: S437, Wyman Park Building
Future PhDs: If you are interested in joining my group as a PhD student, please apply to the AMS PhD program and mention my name in your application.