Summer school in fluid dynamics and nonlinear PDEs

9-13 September 2024 - Padova 

Location: aula 1AD100, Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Padova; via Trieste 63, Padova.

Schedule: the school will start on Monday 9/9 at 2 pm and will end on Friday 13/9 by lunch-time. Click here for the timetable. 

Two courses will be given by Giovanni Alberti and Michele Coti Zelati. The course by Giovanni Alberti will be about transport and mixing and the course by Michele Coti Zelati will be about long-time dynamics of stratified fluids.

Invited speakers: Adolfo Arroyo Rabasa, Roberta Bianchini, Paolo Bonicatto, Elia Brué, Alexander Cliffe, Ricardo Grande Izquierdo, Giacomo Maria Leccese, Stefano Modena, Camilla Nobili, Gianluca Orlando, Charlotte Perrin, Andrea Pinamonti, Emanuela Radici, Massimo Sorella.

Registration: please register at the following link.

Organizers: Fabio Ancona, Laura Caravenna, Elio Marconi.

Fundings: the conference is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant No. 101025032.