Gospel Trips 2023

General Burden

In order to fulfill the New Testament priesthood of the gospel, we must build up a habit of the normal way for the spreading of the gospel (Acts 8:4-5; Elders’ Training Book 11 p. 73). The local saints in the major cities in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria and nearby areas have been greatly stirred up in their spirit for the gospel and have been full of joy; they have been regularly going out to preach the gospel and to distribute Bibles.

We hope to receive up to 100 visiting saints from oversea to blend with us and carry out one work for the gospel in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. By having the visiting saints take care of their own lodging and food, the principle is that the local saints will be released to join in the gospel preaching instead of taking care of practical services. The goal is that all the local saints in the churches could participate in the gospel preaching at least one time and that they could gain some good contacts for further shepherding.

First Week

During the first week all the visiting saints will be in 9 major cities. We plan to contact new students, since it is the beginning of their semester, as well as gain contacts in the community through Bible distribution. Every year over thousands of students are enrolled at the universities, so there is a great need to contact and shepherd the new students. We pray that the Lord will use this trip to gain new contacts and open other seeking students to become remaining fruit.

Second Week

In the second week, the visiting saints will be divided into sub teams. Some may stay in the city where they were initially, and others will go to target cities. There they will join the local saints who have been laboring faithfully with the view of raising up new lampstands.

The gospel trips will begin from 8th October 2023 and end by 22nd October 2023.

Week 1 starts from 8th October 2023 to 14th October 2023.

Week 2 starts from 15th October 2023 to 22nd October 2023

Important Additional details:

Trip Expenses

All participants are required to cover all their expenses, including transportation, lodging, and food.

Health Considerations

Our labor will be rigorous, involving standing and traveling for long hours, so you are expected to be in good health.

Language requirements

Since the burden in this gospel trip is to gain local Germans, applicants who possess German language skills will be given the priority. However, for the sake of general coordination, English proficiency is required to participate in the gospel trip.

Experiences preferred

Even though there will be opportunity to preach the gospel for all ages, the primary focus in this gospel trip is to contact students on college campuses. Therefore, applicants who possess campus labor experiences or those who are burdened for college students are encouraged to sign up as soon as possible.

Click here for more details and registration

The registration deadline is Friday 29th September 2023.