Elima Shehu

                                                       Postdoctoral Researcher

Elima Shehu



email: elima.shehu@ovgu.de

About me

I am a Postdoctoral Researcher in the MathCoRe Research Training Group in Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg

I received my PhD in mathematics from the Universität Osnabrück in April 2024, advised by Paul Breiding.

From April 2021 - March 2024 I was a PhD student in the Emmy Noether Group at the University of Osnabrück hosted by the MPI MiS. 

My research interests involve Algebraic Geometry, Numerical Nonlinear Algebra, and Algebraic Statistics. I work on problems arising in Computer Vision. Specifically, Algebraic Vision.

Outside of math, I love nature, cooking,  and traveling. 

Curriculum Vitae