Elias Furrer

Research Fellow in Mathematical Physics

School of Mathematics, University of Birmingham

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My email is e.r.furrer AT bham.ac.uk

Office 315
School of Mathematics

Watson Building

University of Birmingham


B15 2TT


I am Research Fellow in Mathematical Physics and a member of the Geometry and Mathematical Physics group at the University of Birmingham. My postdoc mentor is Cyril Closset

I am interested in the underlying principles and the mathematical structure of quantum field theory, especially in the presence of supersymmetry.
On the physics side, I work on dualities, topological field theory and conformal field theory. I am particularly interested in Seiberg-Witten theory, topologically twisted N = 2 supersymmetric theories and their moduli spaces. More recently, I have also been working on generalised symmetries in 5d N=1 and 3d N = 2 theories, various relations to 2d TQFTs and vertex algebras. 

On the mathematics side, I work on automorphic forms, number theory and algebraic geometry. Specifically, my research deals with various obstructions to modularity related to elliptic surfaces and four-manifold invariants.