Eli Mirlis

Eli Mirlis is a Licensed Nursing Home Administrator and CEO at RegalCare Management Group. Founded in 2016, Regal Care offers a full continuum of care, from temporary respite stays, to short-term rehabilitation, to long-term skilled nursing care, as well as a broad array of specialty programs and services. As a Licensed Nursing Home Administrator, Mr. Mirlis is in charge of the financial aspects of their facilities by working with accounting and payroll software systems that enable budget and expense reports. He is also tasked with monitoring and keeping track of donations or other monetary contributions that are intended for the overall operation of the nursing home facilities. Identifying the budget that is available and where those funds should be spent in order to maximize patient care and facilities in general is another responsibility of Eli Mirlis.

As the CEO of Regal Care Management Group, he is often asked to present to a board with proposed projects or improvements that he believes there is a need to have funds allocated and where exactly those funds will come from. This healthcare management professionals also acts as the biggest agent of change at all of Regal Care facilities. He launched and executes protocols in accordance with federal and state laws, and comes up with solutions to facility problems or compliance breaches.

As a top leader in the field of long-term care and senior care, Eli Mirlis works hard to ensure RegalCare Facilities are adhering to the latest healthcare regulations for high-quality service. On a typical workday, Mr. Mirlis is involved in managing patient fees, creating work schedules, keeping service records, communicating with medical staff, directing fun activities for live-in patients, overseeing the admissions process, training new employees, and purchasing medical equipment. In addition to that, he often attends meetings regularly with physicians, therapists, families, and local governing boards. He continues to be the driving force in making RegalCare Management Group a premier network of dynamic healthcare communities and services.