For decades now, flight simulation has been driven and supported by third party developers and the ecosystem of addons that those third party developers publish. The original Microsoft Flight Simulator never would have lasted for the years it did after Microsoft shelved it, were it not for the addon developers that pushed the platform to the limit (and often beyond) and kept it alive. The role of third party developers is something that flight simulation needs, and as enthusiasts we all benefit from. It's those developers that push the platform to the limits and force innovation and improvements. PMDG making statements about how the SDK isn't mature enough for them to bring their products to MSFS yet is a prime example of that ecosystem at work... PMDG pushing Asobo and Microsoft to continue innovating and pushing the limits on what the platform is capable of. We all benefit from that, be it through better fidelity of addons, more optimization that enables the sim to handle more complex processes, better graphics, more realistic weather, etc.

For context, there's really two categories of flight sim users... people who game and just want an arcade like experience where they can click "Fly Now" and fly around their town to look at the scenery, and people that see flight sim as a simulation platform. Which category do you fall into? It's important that you look at addons and the overall flight simulation experience through that lens, and also through the lens that MSFS is young and immature today in comparison to the maturity of other flight simulation platforms. It will continue to mature over the coming years, and we'll see better optimization and more complex addons over time.

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For aircraft commanding that level of complexity (often called "study level" within the flight sim community), a ~$100 price tag is pretty much the norm and is generally (albeit reluctantly) accepted by the flight sim community. Now $100 is a lot of money for a lot of people, and I'm not belittling that, but that's just what it costs for a reputable developer to develop an aircraft with that level of complexity. PMDG products as an example, are officially licensed from Boeing with all sorts of real data behind the simulation. All of that costs money, but those also aren't aircraft that you just click "Fly Now" and do circuits around your local airport with. You have to commit to learning them and you have to want that level of depth and complexity--and by that I also mean, they're not for everyone. A $50 or $100 addon is not something you buy from the store on a whim because you flew on one once as a passenger and wonder what the flight deck looks like.

MSFS is hopefully going to change this model a little, since it gives more people easier access to flight simulation, and hopefully will allow developers to spread their development costs out over more customers to bring the price down (hopefully that prevails over greed). The Aerosoft CRJ as an example, is $20 cheaper on MSFS than it is on P3D, and they cited the larger potential market of MSFS as a key factor on why they were able to offer it at a lower price. While the Aerosoft CRJ is certainly not study level, it's a solid middle ground between the default aircraft and something like a PMDG aircraft. Candidly, for or what it offers, compared to what other addons offer and what we pay for similar aircraft on other platforms, $50 is a pretty good value (especially considering many of us paid $70 for it on P3D, and the MSFS version is significantly improved over the P3D version).

All this to say that the people complaining about a $50 price tag are likely just not the target market or don't understand what these addon products really are. These addons are more than just your casual DLC that you see in AAA gaming titles, and just because it doesn't apply to or interest you doesn't mean that it doesn't apply to or interest other people, nor does it instantly make the product "overpriced". I'm not saying this to defend Aerosoft specifically, but at first glance after a couple flights, I believe the CRJ is an addon worthy of a $50 price tag (comparing it fairly to other sim platforms and similar addons).

Im not familiar with any a380 addons but a quick google search makes me believe you are using wilco a380 v2, most of the suggetions online are to run FSX as administrator,which is always a good place to start. just right click on your FSX logo and click run as administrator

Keep in mind that the level of expectation from 'serious' flight sim enthusiasts in recent years has gone stratospheric, to the extent where they want as much realism as possible and are willing to pay for it. Several developrs of aeroplanes for FS have really taken that to heart, to the extent that many of the more expensive payware add ons from developers such as PMDG and FSL, are about as realistic a simulation of the real aeroplane as you could get, short of going flying a real training simulator at an airline training centre. This is great if you love aeroplanes and are curious about all of their systems, but it should be borne in mind that to enjoy stuff like that, you will end up reading a fairly hefty manual and having to learn a fair bit about how the real aeroplane works. This is not a bad thing if that's where your interest lies, and it can be fascinating to learn that stuff, but more than one person has bought a fancy PMDG airliner and then been disappointed that they cannot simply crank it up and go. You do have to do the tutorial flights with those sort of add-ons, otherwise they will lead to frustration.

Now, you can also assign the arrival pattern and approach at your destination, and the flight plan will load everything for you from the start, and the ATC will give you directions to your preloaded flight plan as well.

Once you stop your pushback and your aircraft is facing the right direction. With all the engines running optimally. Perform your after engine start checklist and a flight control checklist. This is to make sure your primary flight controls are operational. You can do this by moving your controls Bank Left, Bank Right, Pitch Up, Pitch Down, Yaw Left, Yaw Right, Deploy Spoiler. Make sure you see from the external cameras that all the controls are operational.

Additionally - lots of discussion in the 747 Auto Pilot Thread about it too. Since the FMC/S-CDU/AP systems in both planes is the same, knowing one works in the other. The plane at startup for instance does not know internally (GPS) where it is, that it does need to know that for successful flight is imperative. This was an excellent first attempt at a plane (both 747/787) which were modeled very poorly at sim release. Today, they still do not have much semblance to the real plane, nor do they fly even close to the 747/737 in FSX, nor the 737 in X-Plane. That all those sims are different is acknowledged, but the flight model of a plane is the flight model of a plane, these are not nearly as good as their predecessors. Being newer is not necessarily better.

The update is fenomenal! Will start flying with the plane more often. 

Just one thing: the Elevator animation and display when testing the flight controls is inverted, but flies as should. I did a stream with it and during the flight control phase got really scared. Is it my bug or something with the code?

This aircraft also has the usual 4K textures with PBR materials, detailed interior and exterior, custom coded FADEC/ECU system, custom coded oxygen system simulation (with blackout due to oxygen starvation), fully functional circuit breakers with customizable reliability, simulated ice protection system and persistent state saved between flights if you so choose.

File Description:

Addit! Pro is a comprehensive addon manager for Flight Simulator X. Easily install, manage and remove aircraft, adventures, flights, flight plans, gauges, missions, panels, A.I. airport and facilities data, scenery, sounds, textures, videos, weather and more! Archive add-ons to Addit! Pro's File Cabinet or recreate them in zip files. Modify your aircraft, panels and sounds. Automatically update FS's Scenery Library. Includes FS Configuration Manager, complete scenery library editor, ZIP/RAR support and much more! See Readme.htm for details. Requires Flight Simulator X: Standard, Deluxe, Gold or Steam Edition. Shareware $24.95--please register to install an unlimited number of add-ons. See Register.htm. By Joseph Stearns.

File Description:

This utility was written to simplify the process of finding the ILS frequency when ATC assigns an ILS approach. Operation is simple. Enter the ICAO, click the Search button and a list of all runways, runway lengths and runway ILS frequencies for that ICAO are displayed. Here's the quick part... Just double click on a runway and the ILS frequency will instantly be set in the Nav1 radio. You can also start Flight Simulator, load a flightplan and then start Quick ILS. It will automatically read the flightplan and then display the destination airport's runway data. Again, just double click on the assigned runway to set the Nav1 radio for the ILS approach. ILS data aside, General Aviation fans may want to use Quick ILS to get information about possible destination airports. Enter an ICAO and you can quickly view the runways available, their length, the surface (ie grass, gravel, paved...) and the runway headings. Version 3.1.5 adds the ILS ID to the display. Freeware by Dave Westbury.

File Description:

Addit! Pro is a comprehensive addon manager for Flight Simulator X. Easily install, manage and remove aircraft, adventures, flights, flight plans, gauges, missions, panels, A.I. airport and facilities data, scenery, sounds, textures, videos, weather and more! Archive add-ons to Addit! Pro's File Cabinet or recreate them in zip files. Modify your aircraft, panels and sounds. Automatically update FS's Scenery Library. Includes FS Configuration Manager, complete scenery library editor, ZIP/RAR support and much more! See Readme.htm for details. Requires Flight Simulator X: Standard or Deluxe Edition. Shareware $24.95--please register to install an unlimited number of add-ons. See Register.htm. By Joseph Stearns. be457b7860

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