Eelektrik is a blue-black, eel-like Pokmon with a beige underbelly. Its round, toothy, leech-like mouth has red lips, and its eyes have small pupils with yellow circle patterning around them. Beige fins extend from above and below its head, and its body has three yellow circular electricity-generating organs on either side. It has a red tail fin that resembles a fan.

Eelektrik is a vigorous carnivore and has a good appetite. Upon spotting prey, it immediately coils around it and shocks it using its electricity-generating organs to paralyze it, before eating it. It dwells in caves and marine environments.

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Eelektrik made its main series debut in Cilan and the Case of the Purrloin Witness!, under the ownership of a Trainer participating in the Marine Cup Tournament aboard a cruise ship. It was seen battling Ash, but it was defeated by Pikachu.

Eelektrik and its evolutionary relatives may also draw inspiration from lampreys, known as  yatsumeunagi (literally "eight-eyed eel") in Japan. This may be reflected by Eelektrik's number of spots, in addition to its eyes. The fact that it is an Electric type may be an allusion to bioelectrogenesis.

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