
worldwide (and universal) fun coin system - yet safe and secure


worldwide (and universal) fun coin system - yet safe and secure

First this becomes a virtual coins(£50) and then  physical coins after the applications (app) are complete - for companies, personas, and countries. (Also, eventually Bitcoin, altcoins, etc integrate/comes onto/becomes compatible with this platform).

 Saturday, 10 February 2024

Date in Sidmouth, UK

I set wallet today via bitcoin.com

I also have Bitcoin(BTC) normal wallet address: 17DBuR8YDqqehNckRqQeCDEHJYs4KaJ2cp

Payments for now (New - 13 May 2023): www.PayPal.Me/cashvaultbankceo
Email me also cashvaultbank.com@gmail.com (3 types of shares - £50 non-preferential share, £1000 original share, £1000000 revenue dividend share). Donation/Gifts also welcome, credit/debit cards worldwide.

After payment(£50 each) complete this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf2zSeq4c3EFE7LenKmOarLgZ2TB8xYRfpNvodX_048aBUgOQ/viewform?usp=sf_link

My company name is available, registering it asap - 11 March 2023

Buying electroniccoin.com asap - Tuesday, 14 March 2023 - Date in Sidmouth, UK

Example of Logos to be purchased

Fun painting

A similar deal as www.turbocoin.co.uk is available for ElectronicCoin℠. You can open a branch in any country worldwide then we expand the company from there. The best option is to come see me in Sidmouth, UK.