I am trying to create a desktop application with electron, angular2, typescript and neDB.In order to be able create a 'file' database with neDB I want the path to my project.How can I get this with typescript ?

If you're running a packaged app and you want to get the path to the app executable (NOT the main Node process index script path, which could be inside an ASAR), app.getAppPath() is incorrect. You want app.getPath("exe"), and to get the path it's:

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Overrides the path to a special directory or file associated with name.If the path specifies a directory that does not exist, an Error is thrown.In that case, the directory should be created with fs.mkdirSync or similar.

By default, web pages' cookies and caches will be stored under the sessionDatadirectory. If you want to change this location, you have to override thesessionData path before the ready event of the app module is emitted.

The electron mean free pathĀ  and carrier relaxation timeĀ  of the twenty most conductive elemental metals are determined by numerical integration over the Fermi surface obtained from first-principles, using constantĀ  orĀ  approximations and wave-vector dependent Fermi velocities vf (k). The average vf deviates considerably from the free-electron prediction, even for elements with spherical Fermi surfaces including Cu (29% deviation). The calculated product of the bulk resistivity timesĀ  indicates that, in the limit of narrow wires, Rh, Ir, and Ni are 2.1, 1.8, and 1.6 times more conductive than Cu, while various metals including Mo, Co, and Ru approximately match the Cu resistivity, suggesting that these metals are promising candidates to replace Cu for narrow interconnect lines.

Here, the sum is over bands and the integration is over the Fermi surface SFn of band n. The carrier relaxation time n(k), the electron velocity along the transport direction vt,n(k), and the electron velocity vector vn(k) are functions of the wave vector k for each band with index n. The factor two in Eq. (1) is accounting for both spins for the case on non-magnetic metals, while this factor is removed for magnetic materials (Co and Ni in this letter) and the contribution from each spin is summed up separately, starting with a spin-polarized density functional calculation.

We report a 3.5-angstrom-resolution cryo-electron microscopy structure of a respiratory supercomplex isolated from Mycobacterium smegmatis. It comprises a complex III dimer flanked on either side by individual complex IV subunits. Complex III and IV associate so that electrons can be transferred from quinol in complex III to the oxygen reduction center in complex IV by way of a bridging cytochrome subunit. We observed a superoxide dismutase-like subunit at the periplasmic face, which may be responsible for detoxification of superoxide formed by complex III. The structure reveals features of an established drug target and provides a foundation for the development of treatments for human tuberculosis.

Scanning electron microsope (SEM) images reveal pinholes in perovskite films prepared by low spin-coating speed (control), a finding previously reported to arise due to insufficient nucleation (Fig. 2a)34. For the one-step perovskite fabrication method, the crystallization kinetics are largely dependent on the anti-solvent dripping process. We reasoned that the slower rotation speed makes it challenging to yield compact films. The narrow anti-solvent dripping time windows (for a burst of intermediate phase nucleation)17,34 require fast spreading and quick evaporation of anti-solvent across the surface of the spinning film, which is not achievable at low RPM. The reduced centrifugal force decreases the lateral flow of the anti-solvent and hence the ability to spin-off excess polar solvents. As a result, the transition from perovskite precursor solution to solid-state intermediate phase is incomplete. Due to the inhomogeneous supersaturation across the whole spinning substrate, only a small portion of the converted film is ready for perovskite-phase formation. Indeed, sparse perovskite phases are observed across the substrate, which translates to a less compact perovskite film with pinholes after thermal annealing (Fig. 2d).

This database provides values of electron inelastic mean free paths (IMFPs) for use in quantitative surface analyses by AES and XPS. The database can provide IMFP information from up to three types of sources: calculated IMFPs from experimental optical data for a limited number of materials, IMFPs measured by elastic-peak electron spectroscopy for some elemental solids, and IMFPs from predictive formulae for all materials. The calculated and measured IMFPs were generally reported in journal papers at specified electron energies and these IMFPs were fit with appropriate functions so that IMFPs could be found by interpolation at intermediate energies.

Results may be displayed graphically; users can obtain an IMFP for a single electron energy, for multiple energies and can create an IMFP Table for regularly spaced electron energies. The IMFPs from the latter two options can be stored in files for later processing.

If a monochromatic, primary beam of electrons is incident on a solid surface, the majority of incident electrons lose their energy because they interact strongly with matter, leading to plasmon excitation, electron-hole pair formation, and vibrational excitation.[2] The intensity of the primary electrons, I0, is damped as a function of the distance, d, into the solid. The intensity decay can be expressed as follows:

Following,[5] the IMFP is employed to calculate the effective attenuation length (EAL), the mean escape depth (MED) and the information depth (ID). Besides, one can utilize the IMFP to make matrix corrections for the relative sensitivity factor in quantitative surface analysis. Moreover, the IMFP is an important parameter in Monte Carlo simulations of photoelectron transport in matter.

To measure the IMFP, one well known method is elastic-peak electron spectroscopy (EPES).[5][7] This method measures the intensity of elastically backscattered electrons with a certain energy from a sample material in a certain direction. Applying a similar technique to materials whose IMFP is known, the measurements are compared with the results from the Monte Carlo simulations under the same conditions. Thus, one obtains the IMFP of a certain material in a certain energy spectrum. EPES measurements show a root-mean-square (RMS) difference between 12% and 17% from the theoretical expected values.[5] Calculated and experimental results show higher agreement for higher energies.[5]

For energies below 100 eV, IMFP can be evaluated in high-energy secondary electron yield (SEY) experiments.[9] Therefore, the SEY for an arbitrary incident energy between 0.1 keV-10 keV is analyzed. According to these experiments, a Monte Carlo model can be used to simulate the SEYs and determine the IMFP below 100 eV.

A first approach is to calculate the IMFP by an approximate form of the relativistic Bethe equation for inelastic scattering of electrons in matter.[5][10] Equation 2 holds for energies between 50 eV and 200 keV:

electronDist String | module:app-builder-lib/out/configuration.__type - Returns the path to custom Electron build (e.g. ~/electron/out/R). Zip files must follow the pattern electron-v${version}-${platformName}-${arch}.zip, otherwise it will be assumed to be an unpacked Electron app directory

beforeBuild (context: BeforeBuildContext) => Promise | null - The function (or path to file or module id) to be run before dependencies are installed or rebuilt. Works when npmRebuild is set to true. Resolving to false will skip dependencies install or rebuild.

I think this might potentially change the process.env.PATH variable of your electron app. Can you try to remove the fix-path call in the generated code and test whether the issue persists after an application restart?

Suppose you have a single wire and you connect it to a battery. Electrons start to flow, but as they do so the resistance to their flow (i.e. the resistance of the wire) generates a potential difference. The electron flow rate, i.e. the current, builds up until the potential difference is equal to the battery voltage, and at that point the current becomes constant. All this happens at about the speed of light.

Now take your example of having let's say two wires (A and B) with different resistances connected between the wires - lets say $R_A \gt R_B$. The first few electrons to flow will be randomly distributed between the two wires, A and B, but because wire A has a greater resistance the potential difference along it will build up faster. The electrons feel this potential difference so fewer electrons will flow through A and more electrons will flow through wire B. In turn the potential along wire B will build up and eventually the potential difference along both wires will be equal to the battery. As above this happens extremely rapidly.

So the electrons don't know in advance what path has the least resistance, and indeed the first few electrons to flow will choose random paths. However once the current has stabilised electron flow is restricted by the electron flowing ahead, and these are restricted by the resistance of the paths.

They don't. Electrons follow the path of least resistance in the same way that water flows downhill. The electrons do not act collectively, each individual electron is driven away from other electrons, and driven toward positive charges. The collective result is well described by the statement that they follow the path of least resistence.

Electrons go where the electric field pushes or pulls them. That is how they "know" where to go. In a resistance electron drift slows down so the electrons tend to pile up in front of it. This creates a repulsive field and pushes electrons away toward another conducting channel. 2351a5e196

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