Competition Information
Competition Tour Dates
November 1-3, 2024: Riverview Arts Centre, Moncton, NB
Deadline to register: October 5, 2024
Early registration deadline: September 5, 2024
Studio Directors:
2025 Dates
March 13-16, 2025: The Centre-Casino NB, Moncton, NB
Deadline to register: November 1, 2024
Early registration deadline: October 1, 2024
May 9-11, 2025: Saint John, NB
Deadline to register: December 1, 2024
Early registration deadline: November 1, 2024
Routine Categories
Entry Types
Solo 1 dancer
Duo 2 dancers
Trio/Quad 3-4 dancers
Small Group 5-8 dancers
Large Group 9-12 dancers
Line 13-17 dancers
Extended Line 18-99 dancers
Age Categories
*Age is determined by average age (decimal is dropped)
**Age is as of date of the December 31st of previous year for Spring competitions and for the fall competition it's as of date of competition.
Mini Age 2-8
Junior Age 9-10
Pre-Teen Age 11-12
Teen Age 13-15
Senior Age 16-18
Adult Age 19+
Dance Levels
*Dancers who train more than 3 hours per week consistently compete in Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced categories*
Beginner - Dancers with less than 2 years of Competitive or Pre-Competitive dance training but dance more than 3 hours per week.
Intermediate - Dancers with 2-4 years of dance training with more than 3 hours per week of classes.
Advanced - Dancers with 5 years of dance training with more than 3 hours per week of classes.
Professional - Dancers who receive more than $2000 per year for dance services including teaching or performing.
Pro-Am - A combination of professional and amateur dancers
*Dancers who train less than 3 hours per week consistently & have never competed in Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced previously*
Pre-Competitive - Dancers who consistently train less than 3 hours per week and have never competed in the beginner, intermediate or advanced level.
Dancers who previously qualified for a Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced category should compete in their respective category regardless of current status.
Example: a competitive dancer competed at the advanced level for years but is currently dancing less than 3 hours per week- that dancer would be considered Advanced. Dancers with any number of years of dance training but consistently train less than 3 hours per week.
Dance Styles
Ballet - Routine with Ballet technique. Acrobatics and tricks are not permitted.
Jazz - Routine with jazz dance technique.
Tap - Routine wearing tap shoes. Tap sounds are not permitted in music and must be generated from the performer.
Lyrical - Routine involving an interpretation of the lyrics and/or music that combines ballet and jazz techniques.
Contemporary - Routine incorporating modern dance techniques. Contains elements of classical technique as well as freedom of expression.
Modern - Routine with freedom of expression without requiring classical ballet and jazz techniques.
Hip Hop - Routine involving street dance.
Street Jazz - Routine incorporating street dance moves with jazz technique.
Musical Theatre - a theme-based interpretation which includes dance techniques from various styles. The use of vocalization or lip-sync is allowed as long as they are an integral part of the performance.
Acro - combination of dance technique and floor acrobatics
Production - A routine using 10 or more dancers to portray a theme, concept or story. Production categories will be primarily judged on concept, formations and choreography.
Song & Dance - Routine that includes singing and dancing in any style. Vocals are not permitted in music and must be generated by the performer with the exception of backup vocals.
Specialty - A defined style of dance not listed here. Please contact us if there is a style you feel should be incorporated into our competition
Open - routine that does not seem appropriate in any of the above categories. Can be a combination of styles.
Traditional Step Dance - characterized by a stiff upper body and fast movements of the feet using traditional step dance movements
Highland Dance - routine consisting of traditional highland dance technique
Collaboration- a routine that combines dancers from multiple studios into one entry. To enter a collaboration routine, each studio will submit their dancers for that routine along with the entry name and we will combine them on our own for the programme.
Awards Ceremonies
Each routine will be adjudicated live; which means that the judges are adjudicating the routines and recording feedback during the routine. These video adjudications will be provided to each studio director so that they may view their performance and listen to the judges comments at the same time. This is sent out to studio directors within a week following the event.
Scoring & Medals
Electric Gold 95+
Gold 90-94.99
Silver 85-89.99
Bronze 70-84.99
Each routine will receive a medal based on their mark and 1st, 2nd and 3rd will be announced for each category.
Special Awards
The Adjudicators announce Special Awards at the end of each section during the Awards Ceremony.
Highest Mark Awards
Highest Mark Awards will be given in different genres as well as age categories.
Electric Beat will host a “finals” competition at the end of the event. Top scoring routines from different studios will be invited to re-perform for top prizes. Finalists are announced periodically throughout the competition during awards ceremonies and if the routine receives a LIGHTNING STRIKE.
The Final Beat Winners will be chosen in the following categories:
BIPC Duo/Trio/Quad
BIPC Group
Advanced Solo
Advanced Duo/Trio/Quad
Advanced Group
*BIPC stands for Beginner, Intermediate, Pre-Competitive
Best Costume, Choreography Awards and Scholarships will awarded at this time as well.
Once routines have been entered online using Dance Comp Genie and your registration is complete, you may send an E-transfer to
This completes your registration and guarantees your spot. Should you require an e-invoice using PayPal, an additional fee of 3% will be added to your final total to pay using a credit card.
No refunds will be issued once registration deadline for that event has passed. In the event of injury with a dr's note, a credit will be issued for a future event.
Media Release
Electric Beat Dance Productions reserves the right to publish any content submitted to our virtual competition for the sole purpose of promotional materials related to Electric Beat Dance Productions. Photos and videos may be printed in newspapers, magazines, websites, commercials and other forms of advertising.
Inappropriate Movements, Lyrics & Costuming
Choreography, explicit language, costuming and/or the use of dance themes with dark undertones with a lack of artistic discretion is considered inappropriate. If dance movements, music lyrics or costumes are deemed to be too suggestive or otherwise inappropriate for a family audience, it may be scored lowered by the judges or be ineligible to participate in our competition.