An electrical drawing is a type of technical drawing that shows information about power, lighting, and communication for an engineering or architectural project. Any electrical working drawing consists of "lines, symbols, dimensions, and notations to accurately convey an engineering's design to the workers, who install the electrical system on the job".[1]

Electrical drafters prepare wiring and layout diagrams used by workers who erect, install, and repair electrical equipment and wiring in communication centers, power plants, electrical distribution systems, and buildings.[2]

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Have a look at this. It's subscription based and not cheap but you can run the trial version for 30 days and then you lose the professional features but can still make edits. It supports both European and American drawing styles.

Well, there are n numbers of Electrical drawing software available on the internet for electrical drawing. Some of them which are the most popular and reputed are QCAD, KiCAD, LibreCAD and Electra E8. Choosing any on in between one of them depends on your requirements and complexity ofprojects.


Curious if anyone has found something they really like for modifying electrical drawings in the field using a tablet and stylus... paper drawings used to be the standard, but now in the days of Corona it would be great to have an all digital experience. If you all would be willing share your digital drawing workflow, I'd love to learn.

SmartDraw has several tools and templates for making a variety of visuals for engineering and CAD design. Among these you'll find commonly used electrical drawings and schematics, like circuit diagrams, wiring diagrams, electrical plans and block diagrams. With SmartDraw's vast library of electrical symbols and easy drawing tools, anyone - apprentice or pro - can start building electrical diagrams right away.

Let's start by making a circuit diagram. To find a circuit diagram template, click on the Engineering & CAD category then Circuit Panels in SmartDraw's Template Browser. Open the template called "Basic Electrical". While you'll start with a blank page, you'll notice a wide range of electrical symbols docked in the SmartPanel to the left of your drawing area. These capacitors, inductors, switches, resisters, and more will make building your circuit diagram easier.

If you want to change the type of line you're drawing, select a line type from the Line Shape drop down.If you right click on a line, you can change its line shape even after you've added it to the page and add or remove arrowheads if you need.

You can detach and move any symbol to a different position along the circuit if you hold down the Alt key. Move the symbol to the new position and let go and your drawing will adjust automatically.

This annotation layer will automatically adjust its size and position as the drawing area (or paper size) changes. You can add the scale, author and otherinformation about the design in this layer just like the "page view" in a traditional CAD program.

Depending on how you prefer to work, you may want to set some defaults for your entire diagram. These settings are conveniently located in your SmartPanel.For example, if you want to create a drawing to scale, you can customize the scale or change it to metric before you start.

Doug, can the section values be populated by sectioning the drawings in a project in to seperate folders? I don't want to have to right click on each individual drawing, go to properties, and then manually type in a section for it. I want to divide my drawings into sections:

I used to do a little creative programming to automatically program the drawing settings. The company I was working for used drawing names that represented specific sections of their machinery, so I wrote a bit of LISP to inject section, subsection, sheet#, and drawing# codes into the project file, based off of the file name, count of files with matching section codes derived from the file names. Also did something similar to syncronize titleblock attributes and their matching project information. (I'm not a big fan of manually touching every property with the mouse either.) Maybe there's a better way built into the program now, but I recall that not doing this step with my enchancements was a big time-wasting error-prone exercise, that unfortunately was crucial to making some of the best features of ACAD-E work correctly. (My code is attached, FWIW. Not commented the best, but not too bad to be understood I think.)

Basically, all the information is there, but to pull it together efficently do some custom programming. I'm in an IntelliCAD and ACAD-LT environment now, and with ICAD I still use a combination of vLISP, Excel, & sometimes command-line (DOS) & BATCH to automate things as much as possible. I don't really miss project files that much anymore, the electrical drafting environment I'm in these days is greatly simplified & we still get it all done somehow!

By default, a drawing is associated with a location and a function. All components contained in this drawing will automatically be associated with this location and function by default. When you change the drawing location (or function), a message box opens allowing you to change the location (or the function) of the components inserted in this drawing.

Location: Click the button [...] to open the location selector, this lets you select the location you want to associate with the drawing. On a 2D cabinet layout drawing, you can remove the associated location. This feature allows you to implant all the electrical project components in this drawing.

Drawing type: Displays the type of the drawing. This can be Cover page, Line diagram, Scheme, Mixed scheme, Terminal strip, Report or 2D cabinet layout. This setting cannot be modified, except for the schematic and line diagram drawings, which can be changed to a mixed scheme drawing type.

Title block: Displays the title bock name used in the drawing. Click the button [...] to change the associated title block. If you click the arrow icon on the right, you have access to the Title block management menu.

The user data are available across the entire electrical project. It is used to store personalized information, which can be displayed in the drawings. There are two types of user data: translatable user data (translated during project translation) and non-translatable user data.

I have no experience with any such programs. A long time ago when I was using a DOS version of some PCB design program, one of my brothers told me electrical wiring diagrams for cabinets were made with autocad, with some special libraries and extensions.

If you want to make a lot of such drawings, specialized software is probably a better choice than drawing them in KiCad, but for occasional use or if you do not want to install and learn yet another program them Eeschema may be adequate.

I'm recently took my electrical career into the office. If your an electrician by trade then you"ll know what red line drawings are. I've been doing all my redline drawings by hand the old fashion way: with a ruler, some stenciles and a pen, but it's time consuming so i've turned to autocad to cut my time in half and make my redlines more accurate.

I've never used autocad before, but i'ts my understanding that I can scan a digital copy of the particular drawing to my computer, open it in auto cad and do all my editing. What I'm looking to do is put "bubbles" or "clouds" around the changes add a few shapes like circles and squares to denote my revisions.

Ryan: If all you are going to do is redline the drawing and not actually edit the contents then working with a digital copy (a scan) is possible. However, keep in mind that a scanned drawing as opposed to an actual DWG file (which AutoCAD creates) will be far larger in size. Make sure your computer is up to the task as far as RAM goes. What are your computer specs?

I wanna draw the schematic (electrical drawing) using Autodesk autocad electrical 2010. but from the library in the autocad electrical 2010, i can only selects PLCs like allenbradley, Siemens etc... Does NI provide a library for this autocad?

Previously, i was a Siemens PLC users. Now, i am trying to push NI into my new company, so, i need the so called "library" to let the electrical department able to draw their schematic without creating their own NI PACs block or connectors.

Please see the pics i attached above. For eg. In the autocad, i can choose from a list of libraries, then add the digital output card into my schematic. Then, it will be something like the jpeg shown. Then i will just need to connect the terminal to maybe power to 24VDC terminals, then signal output terminals to my, maybe relays etc. This ease a lot of workload for the electrical team, at the same time, minimise errors.

But, the libraries i had in the autocad electrical from autodesk does not have National Instrument cRIO controllers and cRIO IO cards. So i am thinking issit that i have to get the libraries from NI, and import it into my AutoCad software?

Edited: If i have the library, i can just choose things like ---- PAC > NI cRIO > NI 9421. Then place it on my schematic, then i will have a digital input card, with 8 channels input terminals. The things that i need to do next is just to connect up these terminals according to my electrical design. This is better than i have to create my own library for all the IO cards for National Instruments.

I have checked with my colleagues at NI Corporate, but currently we do not have the hardware reference drawing library for AutoCAD Electrical. I believe you have talked to Yousi (NG) before about this issue. He is currently on leave, and should be back by this Friday. Let me talk to him and see if there is something we can do further for this issue.

Many traditional CAD systems use a dark drawing background as it is generally easier on the eyes than bright coloured backgrounds. In SOLIDWORKS Electrical we of course can change our drawing background colours, and a number of other useful options as well! 2351a5e196

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