What is EOI and the facts?

EOI: Electronic Object Identifier - A unique identification number assigned to an electronic document, the documentation may be a research articles, a book or a white paper or any such important article which is being published by a licensed and authorized publisher. The EOIs are assigned by only one registration organization known as Citefactor. The authorized publishers register the EOI from the Citefactor and an alphanumerical unique identification numbers are assigned for the electronic documents. The identification number provides and link to document when the publisher publishes the article on the internet and the location of the document over the internet can be know from the EOI number.

Like every other unique identification, the EOI also has a structure and the pattern. Every EOI consists of combination of alphanumeric characters those start with 10 which also has a slash separating the suffix and the prefix. The structure of the EOI number consist of two part the prefix is a combination of number with 4 or more characters and the second part is the suffix which is customized unique combination allocated by the publisher. The suffix is customized combination of characters specifically designed for every individual publisher and with respect to their standards.

As the EOIs are given for only the Electronic documents i.e. only those documents which are published over internet but it is suggested that the publishers should also assign an EOI for the printed version of the documents. The print version can be the journals and the books. The EOI on the printed version may help in locating the digital copy of the same over internet. Apart from the standard structure of the EOI number the placing locations are also predefined. In a journal or a book, the EOI number can be directly searched from the google search unlike other digital object identifiers. The documents with the proper EOI makes it easy for the users to search over internet, the EOIs can also be found on the landing page of the database of the digital documents.

Facts of the EOI

· The Citefactor organization of electronic object identification foundation initially developed the system in year 2015.

· The standard EOI structure and number series are by far assigned to hundreds of journals and thousands of articles, more publishers of different kinds like journal publishers, book publishers, online data centers, document databases etc.

· The use of EOI is increasing year by year and more than ten thousand of EOI prefixes are allocated with EOI resolution.

· EOI is internationally accepted standard.

· The EOI system is focused and strong in adapting the already existing system and the components of the systems.

· EOI are so far only for electronic objects i.e. documents, audio and video objects over the internet but they have not been adopted by the Patent agencies as of now.

Within few weeks after generation, EOIs are directly tested via Google Search.