Elasticsearch stores snapshots in an off-cluster storage location called a snapshotrepository. Before you can take or restore snapshots, you mustregister a snapshot repository on the cluster.Elasticsearch supports several repository types with cloud storage options, including:

You can also take snapshots of only specific data streams or indices in thecluster. A snapshot that includes a data stream or index automatically includesits aliases. When you restore a snapshot, you can choose whether to restorethese aliases.

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A compatible snapshot can contain indices created in an older incompatibleversion. For example, a snapshot of a 7.17 cluster can contain anindex created in 6.8. Restoring the 6.8 index to an 8.13 clusterfails unless you can use the archive functionality. Keepthis in mind if you take a snapshot before upgrading a cluster.

Taking a snapshot is the only reliable and supported way to back up acluster. You cannot back up an Elasticsearch cluster by making copies of the datadirectories of its nodes. There are no supported methods to restore any datafrom a filesystem-level backup. If you try to restore a cluster from such abackup, it may fail with reports of corruption or missing files or other datainconsistencies, or it may appear to have succeeded having silently lost some ofyour data.

Snapshot lifecycle management (SLM) is the easiest way to regularly back up a cluster. AnSLM policy automatically takes snapshots on a preset schedule. The policycan also delete snapshots based on retention rules you define.

Elasticsearch Service deployments automatically include the cloud-snapshot-policySLM policy. Elasticsearch Service uses this policy to take periodic snapshots of yourcluster. For more information, see the Elasticsearch Servicesnapshot documentation.

To grant the privileges necessary to create and manage SLM policies andsnapshots, you can set up a role with the manage_slm andcluster:admin/snapshot/* cluster privileges and full access to the SLMhistory indices.

Depending on its size, a snapshot can take a while to complete. By default,the create snapshot API only initiates the snapshot process, which runs in thebackground. To block the client until the snapshot finishes, set thewait_for_completion query parameter to true.

Some feature states contain sensitive data. For example, the security featurestate includes system indices that may contain user names and encrypted passwordhashes. Because passwords are stored using cryptographic hashes,the disclosure of a snapshot would not automatically enable a third party toauthenticate as one of your users or use API keys. However, it would discloseconfidential information, and if a third party can modify snapshots, they couldinstall a back door.

we managed to get hourly snapshot and hourly restore to a 2nd region but im now questioning the snapshot backups to storage due to the cost that is growing. even with the delete snapshot older than 7 days its not helping.

WARNING: The only reliable and supported way to back up a cluster is by taking a snapshot . You cannot back up an Elasticsearch cluster by making copies of the data directories of its nodes. There are no supported methods to restore any data from a filesystem-level backup. If you try to restore a cluster from such a backup, it may fail with reports of corruption or missing files or other data inconsistencies, or it may appear to have succeeded having silently lost some of your data.

That seems worth investigating further: you should be able to restore many TBs onto a single node in 24h, and it should scale linearly in the number of nodes. How much data are you talking about here?

You have far too many shards in your cluster. Please read this old blog post for some guidance. Having lots of small shards in very very inefficient as every shard has some overhead and can cause both performance and stability issues. If you followed best practices around shard sizing the data volume you have would fit in less than 10 shards.

Where backup is the name of snapshot repo, and my_snapshot-01-10-2019 is the name of the snapshot. The above example will take a snapshot of all the indices. To take a snapshot of specific indices, provide the names of the indices you would like a snapshot of.

If having backups of your data is important to you and your operations, snapshots may not be ideal for you. Firstly, there are the problems mentioned above, but you also run the risk of losing any data generated in the time elapsed since the last snapshot was stored.

If, for example, you designate a snapshot and restore process to occur every 5 minutes, the data being backed up is always 5 minutes behind. If a cluster fails 4 minutes after the last snapshot was taken, 4 minutes of data will be completely lost.

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hello I had already seen this other topic, my biggest doubt is how to make the graylog be able to access the indexes retrieved through the snapshot, if I restore with the graylog_ prefix the graylog understands that this is the default index, sorry if you got confused but not found no documentation on how to access indices restored by elastic in graylog

The restoration of a snapshot doesn't seem to merge with newer data in the indices and I can't find any references to this problem online but surely restoring a backup doesn't just throw out newer data and I must be missing something?

A suggestion was to restore to a different index name and then use an alias which points to both indices for search, which could be a goer but I would think that would led to duplicate data being returned for searches.

Now check to make sure the repository is registered.

GET /_snapshot/_all

You should see essentially the same JSON block that you entered a moment ago returned back to you showing the repository name and location.

not creating index snapshots could ultimately lead to a bad index backup with a potential of inconsistency or even corruption (not sure about the corruption though as we've luckily not experienced it yet).

However, I do know that some are struggling to provide additional space for the index snapshot, hence why I could imagine stopping the indexing service when the backup is tacking place could be a potential workaround but please dont pin me down on that. Someone from Veritas might shine some addional light on it.

The impact of not setting up a snapshot of Elasticsearch indexes can be significant. If you lose data due to a hardware failure, software corruption, or human error, you will not be able to restore it without a snapshot. This could mean losing valuable data, such as customer records, financial data, or other sensitive information.

In addition, not setting up a snapshot can lead to performance problems. As your data grows, Elasticsearch will need to work harder to index and search it. This can lead to slower query performance and increased load on your servers.

Finally, not setting up a snapshot can make it more difficult to comply with data protection regulations. Many regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), require organizations to have a process in place to back up their data. If you do not have a snapshot of your Elasticsearch indexes, you may not be able to comply with these regulations.

The new disk requirement for setting up a snapshot of Elasticsearch indexes is not a major issue. You can use a separate disk for your snapshots, or you can use a cloud-based storage service such as Amazon S3 or Google Cloud Storage.

Overall, the benefits of setting up a snapshot of Elasticsearch indexes far outweigh the costs. If you are not already doing so, I recommend that you set up a snapshot of your indexes as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, I hit a snag as I am getting errors when I was about to restore a snapshot from the S3 repository that I created and the error looks like this after executing the sample python script from the link that I am following.

UPDATE: It is suspected that the error was caused by an .opendistro_security index refusing to be overwritten by the restoration process. It would be better if someone here can recommend a way how to backup Elasticsearch users and their permissions and restore to another Elasticsearch domain.

Your understanding is correct. We receive following error while restoring snapshot even after having all the required permissions and mapping in backend roles when we try to restore internal index such as .kibana,.opendistro_security, etc.

OpenSearch and Elasticsearch version upgrades differ from service software updates. For information on updating the service software for your OpenSearch Service domain, see Service software updates in Amazon OpenSearch Service.

Amazon OpenSearch Service offers in-place upgrades for domains that run OpenSearch 1.0 or later, or Elasticsearch 5.1 or later. If you use services like Amazon Data Firehose or Amazon CloudWatch Logs to stream data to OpenSearch Service, check that these services support the newer version of OpenSearch before migrating.

Before you upgrade to version 2.3, you must reindex the incompatible indexes. For incompatible UltraWarm or cold indexes, migrate them to hot storage, reindex the data, and then migrate them back to warm or cold storage. Alternately, you can delete the indexes if you no longer need them.

If you accidentally upgrade your domain to version 2.3 without performing these steps first, you won't be able to migrate the incompatible indexes out of their current storage tier. Your only option is to delete them.

Elasticsearch 7.0 and OpenSearch 1.0 include numerous breaking changes. Before initiating an in-place upgrade, we recommend taking a manual snapshot of the 6.x domain, restoring it on a test 7.x or OpenSearch 1.x domain, and using that test domain to identify potential upgrade issues. For breaking changes in OpenSearch 1.0, see Amazon OpenSearch Service rename - Summary of changes. 152ee80cbc

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