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The recent surge in computational power has led to extensive methodological developments and advanced signal processing techniques that play a pivotal role in neuroscience. In particular, the field of brain signal analysis has witnessed a strong trend towards multidimensional analysis of large data sets, for example, single-trial time-frequency analysis of high spatiotemporal resolution recordings. Here, we describe the freely available ELAN software package which provides a wide range of signal analysis tools for electrophysiological data including scalp electroencephalography (EEG), magnetoencephalography (MEG), intracranial EEG, and local field potentials (LFPs). The ELAN toolbox is based on 25 years of methodological developments at the Brain Dynamics and Cognition Laboratory in Lyon and was used in many papers including the very first studies of time-frequency analysis of EEG data exploring evoked and induced oscillatory activities in humans. This paper provides an overview of the concepts and functionalities of ELAN, highlights its specificities, and describes its complementarity and interoperability with other toolboxes.

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Idea Elan's expertise includes instrument scheduling, billing and invoicing, financial integration with ERP tools, work /sample order management, facility analytics reporting, supply ordering and inventory management, and project management. Through the use of our software, customers have improved oversight of core services, increased productivity, introduced new technologies to streamline workflow, and facilitated communication.

Elan Ruskin is a senior engine programmer at Insomniac Games, where he has worked on critically-acclaimed titles including Marvel's Spider-Man and Ratchet & Clank. Prior to his time at Insomniac, Elan worked at Valve, Naughty Dog, and Maxis on many of their flagship titles as a gameplay and engine programmer. When he's not programming, Elan enjoys theater, music, and Star Trek.

The real advantage of data-driven systems is that it's designer-driven; you're decreasing the iteration time for the designers. It puts the ability to make and see changes into the hands of the person actually making the content, and away from the programmer-compiler loop which requires programmers to develop and compile before any change can take place. The problems with data-driven design are 1) the code has to be a little more complex to support this flexibility and 2) you're loading bulkier content. You can get around that, though, if you use a builder1 to pack down the content into something that code can load more efficiently.

What surprised me about data-driven systems is that it ended up being much less of a problem than I expected. It turns out that you load things relatively infrequently, and if you do end up loading them frequently, you can bake them down. So as much as it would make the me of 20 years ago sad to hear me say it, having things in an open-text format that gets parsed turns out just not to be a performance issue. I'm not saying performance doesn't matter! But that turned out to not be the issue.

The other problem with data-driven design is that people will do weird, unexpected, and strange things with data that you didn't anticipate and will possibly break your systems. That's because the connection between changing the data and something in the game breaking is not quite as obvious as it is with code, where you can set a breakpoint and see exactly what happened. The importance of good error reporting, diagnostics, and designing the authoring tools in a way that prevents people from getting themselves into trouble was not clear to me when I began engine programming.

With tools, the things that you can't anticipate are usually the problem, because the designers and artists are always trying to solve their own problems. They're not out to break the tools or fumble around oafishly; they have specific needs, like "I need this tree to have another tree on top of it so I can turn one of them off and the other one on, because it's winter and we need the leaves to be gone." In this scenario, they might not know that if you have two things in the same place at the same time, it causes a problem. That's something they would have no way to know about until they did it. So really, the way to deal with that is to find a way to prevent people from making the mistake, which would then make the causal connection obvious. Ideally, we should make it impossible to do bad things, but again, that comes back to anticipating things. It's also not a reliable strategy to just go over and yell at people for having done the content wrong or give them a gigantic document that explains how to use your tools. You can't expect people to hold that much content in their heads at once.

When developing tools for writers, an assumption a lot of people make is that writers are not technical and therefore need easier tools, which is completely untrue. Writers can learn computers as well as anyone else! What I learned from my time at Valve is writers need flexibility; any given line of dialogue goes through many iterations to get it right.

The thing to be cognizant of is that writers are part of a whole pipeline of content that has to get made. The writer's text appears in the game while it's still being prototyped, but even at that time we have to cast the voice actor and record them. Then, we put the voiced lines into the game only to realize the dialogue is clunky. So we have to change the line, go back to the booth, and repeat the process. This puts the writers in the middle of a pipeline that has audio waggling at the other end. The advantage of building a complete suite of tools is you can integrate the whole process of tracking where lines of dialogue are located in the game, as well as who's been cast to play it, and whether or not it's been recorded and localized yet. In Campo Santo's talk on Firewatch, they discussed how they integrated the dialogue system with the "recording-tracking" system. Taking that approach saved them a lot of agita.

At Insomniac, the engine team and the tools team are the same team. That works well for us because the team is not especially big, and because the engine and the tools are intimately bound. The engine is loading the assets, the builders are cooking the assets into a binary2, and the tools are feeding the things to the builders. These are not separate operations; it's all the same lump of data. As teams grow, you'll need to specialize the labor because they are different skills to an extent. I personally don't think there's that much value in separating the engine runtime from the tools in terms of being different teams, unless your studio is gigantic. In that case, you have to for organizational purposes.

Along the same lines, it's almost a necessity to version the tools and the engines together. Part of this is the obvious reason that if you change the runtime format and the tools need to export in your format, the engine needs to be able to read it. Again, they're operating on the same data. What's more, anytime you need a new capability the engine, the tools have to support it, so they really move in lockstep.

One of our attempts at improving our tools ecosystem was to use web tools. For the entire rundown of why Insomniac went with web tools and why we stopped using them, you should see Andreas Frederiksson's GDC talk. The reason for moving towards web tools was that we thought it would be much more flexible to make a UI in the web, and also that it would be easier to hire people who have a web UI experience than people who have C++ UI experience.

That just turned out not to be the case. We ended up hiring the people that we would hire anyway, and then teaching them JavaScript. What's more, the scaling issues of web tools are enormous. The web is good at doing 100 or 200 of something; it's not so good at doing 30,000 of something. So just performance and memory were gigantic issues, in addition to all the other issues like Chrome continually breaking underneath their feeds, JavaScript is just bad!

On the usability side, we made our new web tools work almost exactly like the old tools, only with less bugs. We tried to keep the interface consistent. The problems that we ran into were that the new tools didn't have all of the features of the old tools to begin with, because we couldn't rebuild everything at once all in one piece. As a result, the team would have to learn how to work around the missing pieces. Because we kept the the workflow the same, it was fine, plus everything got faster and less buggy.

Balancing memory usage is an ongoing, iterative process. As you're making your level and you realize you need a few more textures over here, you may have to take some geometric complexity out somewhere else. You might need to put in some more actors, so the textures have to go. It's this continual give-and-take of budgeting. The upshot is that you really need good budget reporting, even more so than being able to decide what your budget is ahead of time. When people put in content, they need to know the weight of the content and they need to know the "pie chart" of where all the memory is going. Otherwise, you have no way to make trade-offs.

The ability to sum together scopes across an entire frame is important. That's because you can have a profile scope that says how long to tick this asset's physics component, so if you're doing a hierarchy then it's gonna appear a thousand times. It's helpful to aggregate that whole thing together and be able to plot the aggregated number. A convenient way of exporting a report from a run of the game is as a spreadsheet that you can then import into Excel. Because then, when I'm making a change, I can run the game before the change and then after the change as control and experimental groups. I can also do a Student T-test7 between them; doing statistics becomes more important. Otherwise when you make a change, you don't know if you actually fixed anything. Also, presenting the data from the the profiling part of the profiler is not that hard; it's presenting the data to the people who can act on it that's hard. 152ee80cbc

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