Eisenhower Instrumental Music Boosters


Our new software program, designed specifically for bands and music organizations, is ready for you! Each student has a login that has been created with their student ID. PLEASE REFER TO YOUR DIRECTOR'S EMAIL FOR ADDITIONAL LOGIN DETAILS

EIMB Executive Board Elections will be held during the regular meeting on April 28 for the 2020-21 school year

*If you have an interest in becoming more involved in EIMB we would love to visit with you about being an EIMB officer. Please inquire with your director or any of the current EIMB officers. Thank you for your interest!

*Elections will be done virtually this year

EIMB is made up of parent and community supporters of the Instrumental Music Programs of Eisenhower High School, Eisenhower Middle School and Discovery Intermediate School

The EIMB Calendar is maintained for the benefit of everyone involved in the instrumental music programs supported by the Eisenhower Instrumental Music Boosters. Please note that changes may occur at any time at the discretion of the band or orchestra director, and should be considered priority to this calendar.

Parent to Parent

Whether you are a new EIMB parent with an incoming freshman or an experienced band or orchestra parent, sometimes there are questions. We are all here for each other! Feel free to email anyone on the EIMB board members listed above or submit your question here> CLICK HERE

Supporting Music Programs = Supporting Our Kids

The many and varied projects of the EIMB would not be possible without the help and support of YOU. We are regularly in need of your time and talents through volunteering, donations, collaboration and more.


Check back for the 2020-21 School Year

EIMB is on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!

CLICK the icon to follow!

Helpful Quick Links

EIMB Mission:

  • To provide inspiration, guidance, and assistance to all instrumental music students and staff in order to develop and sustain top performing instrumental music programs at all levels by affording material, financial, and volunteer support as needed and requested by the Eisenhower Instrumental Music Dept of USD 265.
  • To promote music culture throughout the community by fostering greater convert attendance and other public support of all instrumental music activities, thereby rendering moral support to the students.
  • To assist with the purchase of equipment, supplies, and opportunities which would not be available through the school budget, facilitated by fundraisers and donations.
  • To secure closer contacts between all parties involved in the instrumental music program, thereby assuring continuity of the program as it grows as well as fostering closer ties between the parents of younger music students and the parents of high school students, to strengthen the entire instrumental music program.

Eisenhower Instrumental Music Boosters

P.O. Box 57, Goddard, KS 67052 * www.EIMB.club