Our records indicate that Egodath Megodath is sung by Punsiri Soysa, .The lyricist of this song is currently unknown. The composer of this song is currently unknown. Egodath Megodath's first published year is unknown. We would like to invite you to submit it if you are aware. You can listen to this song by visiting the following youtube link: =XAXeqaAZO1I. Lk Lyrics is largely a community maintained application. Please feel free to use our android app or web site to submit corrections to this song.

Egodath Megodath on LK Lyrics falls under and fully comply with 17 U.S.C. * 512 and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).As the Lk Lyrics team, we believe content ownership and intellectual property.If you're the copyright owner of this song and you wish to take this lyric material removed, you can do so by officially submitting a take down notice with the information on this page to info@lklyrics.com.However, we would like to stress that Egodath Megodath is displayed for informational purposes and Lk Lyrics is in no way claiming rights to this song.

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