Ms. Howell, Ms. Malpass, Mrs. Adams-Perez, Mrs. Duncan and

Mrs. Darlington Welcome You To Our 3rd Grade Team Website!

Important Remote Learning Updates:

Hello 3rd Grade Parents and Guardians,

Beginning Monday, April 6, we will begin Phase 2 of our Remote Learning plan as directed by WCPSS. In Phase 2 we will be teaching new content in Math, Reading, Science, and Social Studies. You should also receive instructional content in Art, P.E. and Music. Below you will see the 3rd grade weekly schedule. The schedule provides for 2 hours of instructional time each day.

Instructional videos and assignments will be posted on Google classroom by your child’s teachers. Mrs. Darlington, Mrs. Duncan, Ms. Malpass, and Mrs. Adams-Perez all have separate reading and math classes on Google Classroom. Please make sure students are checking both classes.

All teachers have attempted to reach out to all students and families. If you have not connected with your child’s teachers, please reach out to them right away on Class Dojo or through email.

As always, please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time. We are all in this together!

Thank you,

EGES 3rd Grade Teachers

Click on the Link Below to Read a Great Article Titled

"7 Distance Learning Tips for Parents"

3rd Grade Newsletter

Check Out Our 3rd Grade Newsletter

It has information about what we are learning, what we are working on in Google Classroom, and important upcoming news.