However, I have some reasons that I shot jpeg and would still like to retouch basic things like contrast, clarity, light sharpening, vibrancy/saturation, and some highlight and shadow recover. I was abroad for an extended period of time and didn't have my laptop for post-processing with me, but still wanted to review the jpegs on a device and post some photos from my travels. Now that I am back and able to do some editing, I would still like to touch up some of the jpeg files I shot. I am aware now that I could have saved both Jpeg and RAW simultaneously but I neglected to do this, and was trying to save memory space as well.

Long story short (er), I still would like to edit the jpeg images and am wondering in peoples opinions which is best to do it. I haven't been able to find much information on this for the obvious reasons that RAW processing is the more popular choice.

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Typically I like to use capture one pro, however I noticed that when editing jpegs lightroom tends to do a significantly better job with highlight recovery - it will bring back colour, detail and contrast in semi blown out skies and highlights whereas for some reason the capture one highlight recovery misses this step and goes from white areas to flat/dull gray. Does anyone have any idea why this is or how to get around it

It is now an affinity image. That's still not a jpeg though. In develop mode, go to View->Assistent manager (or click the tuxedo icon in the top bar) and it'll tell you the raw output format. if I recall correctly, the default is RGB (16 bit). So that means that once you click that Develop button, it's a 16 bit image. Regular image formats are 8 Bit so you still have a tonload more information to work with than with your regular Olympus jpeg image.

If you edit documents in different formats day-to-day, the universality of the document solution matters a lot. If your tools work with only a few of the popular formats, you might find yourself switching between application windows to edit text in jpeg and handle other document formats. If you wish to take away the hassle of document editing, go for a solution that will effortlessly manage any extension.

With DocHub, you do not need to concentrate on anything but actual document editing. You will not need to juggle programs to work with diverse formats. It can help you revise your jpeg as effortlessly as any other extension. Create jpeg documents, modify, and share them in one online editing solution that saves you time and improves your productivity. All you have to do is sign up an account at DocHub, which takes just a few minutes.

A small, follow-up question from a previous response: do RAF files contain any more details inherently than the sooc jpeg? I ask as I know most of the data the RAF files have is the adjustable data for color, wb, etc. But, what about actual details in the image? Is more of that captured in the RAF file than in the jpeg? Like details in foliage, walls, floors, clouds? I ask as I am always trying to extract as much detail from an image as possible, and it is a pain in my rear to do so with a RAW file 50% of the time. What about jpegs? Are there any noticeable differences in details?

Jpeg is not the best file possible is known but this is not the correct way to do this thing... 'cause it's obvious that if you start with a jpeg saving everytime in a different image you lower the size 'cause you compress the precedent one ( especialy if you change the quality even only by 1 point )... but nothing happens if you work on the same image... I think none of us will worlk on copies saved 99 times...

Correct. Except as you say it's simplified and it may change a few times because you do the rounding in a DCT representation, then convert back to pixel representation, which changes things a little bit. But after a few times it shouldn't budge.

I would start with free options. According to the link I posted, Gimp also tries to do something but not as aggressively as photoshop. Maybe darktable or irfan view?

I should try to code it with libjpeg, which is the library most people use to save JPEG. Then at least I'd know exactly what is going on.

Ummmm... jpeg was never intended to be a 'general purpose' format. It was- and still is- specifically intended to be a device-independent standardized interchange format for continuous tone photographs. Part of this is file compression to allow for efficient network interchange. Jpeg is still overwhelmingly successful at this. It is the world wide interchange standard and, given its ubiquity, is not going anywhere soon. At best, whatever alternative formats are developed- heif/heic were mentioned- would simply coexist with jpeg in much the same way rtf/doc/docx/odt coexist in the word processing world. It should be noted that the intent always was- and still is- that the photograph would be processed in another format and, before being sent or posted, converted to jpeg. It would seem this would be tiff or bmp formats. It should also be noted that the jpeg format is one of the recommended formats for sustainability by the Library of Congress. Again a quality of 100 is recommended. Some photographers do process in jpeg. They should maintain as high a quality setting as possible- 100 if available- and limit the number of processing sessions to two or three. Those processing raw files have one session available before having to convert to another format. It would seem that tiff would be the format of choice here.

I shoot for pro sports teams and they want 2 different deliveries

1 low res 2,000 pix on the long edge jpeg to sell on to fans

2 high res 4,000pix on the long edge for thei internal marketing and creative people.

When I go to upload the .jpeg file through the material editor as a standard surface on the base colour diffuse map it shows on the viewport apple (and final render) but with clear visibility of the colour difference between the seams used during the UVW unwrapping process, making it look very poor quality.

This Exif Tag Editor allows you to view the exif information for a jpeg file, and Edit the exif tag information.This app features includes:View EXIF, EXIF GPS, IPTC, XMP, Thumbnail and more. Edit, create EXIF tag information. Remove EXIF, IPTC tags, and clean up all metadata.Edit a jpeg file metadata in the browser, No file uploading to the server.Supports multiple file editing, Easy and intuitive to use. Save a edited file to computer, or Google Drive directly.You can select a JPEG file from local computer, Google Drive, Dropbox, and Box. be457b7860

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