Educational Resources and Materials by an OT Student
Annotated Bibliography Summaries
Research document outlining various research article summaries relevant to kindergarten and first-grade academics.
Topics include:
Readiness to learn
Teaching performance and its impact on academics
Sensory regulation
Handwriting performance
Physiological impact on academics
Self-regulation is defined as the ability to control your own attention, emotions, and behaviors in a way that best fits progressing goals, context, and the given environment (Howard et. al., 20211).
Sensory regulation or sensory processing can be described as the ability of the body's nervous system to interpret and manage the input of environmental stimuli, manage physiological states, and maintain a just right arousal level (Mouton-Odum & Goldfinger Golomb, 20212).
Handwriting performance is one of the primary skills required of students to participate in academics. Handwriting skills require not just fine motor coordination, but also proficient visual motor integration; which includes the ability to utilize visual perceptual abilities to coordinate fine motor movements. Furthermore, adequate visual acuity, upper body coordination, and the integration of primitive reflexes (Memisevic & Djordjevic, 20183; Vries et. al., 20154).
Self Introduction
About Megan Higgins Doctoral Capstone Experience
The purpose of this doctoral capstone experience is to investigate areas of need within a school system relating to self-regulation, sensory regulation, and fine motor strengthening and design academic protocols/resources that promote academic success and reduce staff burnout.
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Howard, S., Vasseleu, E., Neilsen-Hewett, C., Rosnay, M., & Williams, K. (2021). Predicting academic school readiness and risk status from different assessment approaches and constructs of early self-regulation. Child & Youth Care Forum. 51 (2022).
Mouton-Odum, S. & Goldfinger Golomb, R. (2021). Helping your child with sensory regulation: Skills to manage the emotional and behavioral components of your child’s sensory processing challenges. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.
Memisevic, H. & Djordjevic, M. (2018). Visual-motor integration in children with mild intellectual disability: A meta-analysis. Sage Journals. 125 (4).
Vries, L., Hartingsveldt, M., Cup, E., Nijhuis-van der Sanden, & Groot, I. (2015). Evaluating fine motor coordination in children who are not ready for handwriting: Which test should we take? Occupational Therapy International. 22 (2).