Fourth part, Sintesi – Chapter 11.6 Second level metaphors

“Now we are in an era of new subjectivity where the old words of standard, type, constant quality, assembly line, and zoning have been replaced with those of personalization, individualization, anti-zoning, and network. How can we create an “informatized” architecture? How can we transfer into architecture the characteristics of an interconnected, dynamic world that is malleable and personalizable? The answer is through “second level metaphors”; metaphors that are open, intelligent, personalizable, and therefore necessarily interactive.”

“Interactivity in buildings not only can change configuration and spaces with changes in desires or external input, but also create different space-time reference systems. If an interactive system for modifying architecture is connected to Internet navigation systems, the figure of the leap could pervade the entire architecture, a leap between one spatial configuration and another, a leap between different information systems, and finally a leap between different temporal systems.”

Fourth part, Sintesi – Chapter 11.7 Technological prostheses

Over the past few decades, acceleration has been prodigious and man today has real technological “prostheses” at his disposal. We know the Internet is one of the most powerful of these prostheses. The space of the Internet breaks the conventions of a three dimensional space because it connects, rejoins, renders contemporary, and opens up more worlds.

To develop the question I started with 3 keywords that are:


-the figure of leap.


We live in a historical moment in which we have the freedom and the possibility to choose the tools with which we face everyday life (smartphone, computer). We also have the tools to jump from one space-time dimension to another in zero time thanks to the different technological prostheses.

However, this fast change also has a negative aspect, which we can see with what happened with the covid, where the speed with which we move has led to an exponential increase in the victims.

So my question is: Should we stop for a second and try to understand how best to use these new tools? Do we need an education on the use of these prostheses that allow us to be in so many places together and to have so much choice on our life?