Potato fritters

22 August 2019
3 minutes read
Written by: Sara

Potato fritters. Yet another kind of pancake. Perfect to feed my pancake loving personality.

Many different cultures have their own variant of potato fritters of pancakes. Röstis are served in German speaking countries and originate from Bern in Switseland, where they were served for breakfast.

Latekes are Jewish fritters that are served during the Hanukkah festival. They’re traditionally served with sour cream and apple sauce. Latkes are not necessarily made from potatoes. Jews used the ingrdients they had at hand. Potatoes were introduced in Europe only in the 16th century by Spanish and British. Potatoes originate from Peru. Europeans chose the most boring looking of the over 3000 types of potatoes Peru has to offer and domesticared it to a staple ingredient in today’s diet. Potatoes have travelled all around the world and people have loved them wherver they popped out of the ground.

Irish furthermore have boxty, Idian have vegetable pakoras and also Swedish, Polish, Czech, Hongarians, Belarussions, Russions, Ukranians, Slovakians, Lativians, Lithuanians, Romanians, Bulgarians, Luxembourgois, British and Koreans have their version of something that involves potatoes and is fried till it looks like a pancake. A good idea it seems so, judging from it’s popularity.

The following recipe is the most basic & budget friendly. Cant’ imagine using less ingredients. This recipe is easily adaptable to what you’ve at home and you can sneek in vegetables without effort, like sweet potatoes, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, onion or leek.

For the fritters:

Take more potatoes than you would normally do. You will extract the water from the potatoes and the volume will shrink massively.

  • potatoes
  • salt
  • pepper
  • oil for frying (I use sunflower)

Grate the potatoes. Put in a bowl with a generous amount of salt. Mix well and massage the salt into the potato. The salt will extract the water from the potatoes. Wait 20 min.

Squize as much water out of the potatoes as you can. You can use a towel or sif for this.

Form small patties with your hands. Press well.

Fry till crispy in a couple of tbsp of oil in a non-stick pan.

This article was originally published in the blog of Sara: Carrotte Carree: Potato fritters.

Tags: International, Cultures, pancakes, potato

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