Edgware Voice comments log

Below is a log of the messages we have received in regards to 'Future Edgware' since 22/06/2022. These are in response to the general redevelopment of the town centre, rather than in response to any specific project. For the 2023 Ballymore masterplan see here.

You can read the bigger picture of residents feedback from multiple consultations here.


Edgware regeneration

My opinions regarding the future of Edgware:

Edgware regeneration

We believe among the necessary improvements to amenities to facilitate the massive increase in residents, it would be essential to upgrade Edgware Hospital to better serve the community. It would be chaos if GP surgeries were added or extended to accommodate the massive increase in resident numbers but without local provision for general hospital services. Barnet and Royal Free already cannot cope and Chase Farm is inaccessible, especially since the transfer transport was removed.

The provision for pedestrians to cross Edgware Way between Kenilworth Road and Broadfields Avenue is non existent. Residents have double the distance to walk because of duplicating their route by having to walk there and back in order to access say Edgware United Synagogue and surrounding roads. Many have lived here many years and are older and find this necessity onerous, as well as those pushing prams etc. The gap is too far to negotiate for many and a pedestrian crossing needs to be provided to remedy this.

The bus stops between Broadfields Avenue and Priory Field Drive on Hale Lane Is too long on both sides. The area is hilly and older residents and those pushing prams and shopping trolleys etc struggle. 

Generally the pavements are in very poor and in many roads dangerous condition everywhere. They need upgrading for safety and to raise the quality of the area.

If car use is to be reduced these points need to be addressed. There is no point in regenerating the town centre without upgrading generally the surrounding area to make life easier for residents.

Resident of The Grove

Sewage concerns


Can you please explain what the plans are for the modification of the current sewage system we have in place in regards to this massive redevelopment plan? There does not seem to be a mention of this.

The current sewage system is struggling to cope even now. By adding the multiple residential and commercial buildings to the area this will further enhance the sewage problem so I and many others would be extremely interested to know what plans are in place for this.

Edgware town centre

I have lived in Edgware all my life and it breaks my heart to see how run down . Edgware town centre is looking . Not only that all over , all you see is rubbish snd fly tipping , especially near Broadfields estate .

The council were going to improve the estate , by knocking down old garages and anti social spots , but that has come to a halt . It is though our beautiful part of Edgware is becoming forgotten .

Why is everywhere else , Watford , Borehamwood  , Colindale all having decent shops and Edgware just becoming run down . We had our cinema taken away , bowling alley , not even swimming pools for our

 children and grand children .

We have to protect our green spaces and not have anything built on them .

More houses are being built , but nothing for my children , who have to privately rent because nothing affordable is built for them and no places for people who work , who pay a little higher rent .

Edgware was once a thriving , high street , now I e we oils rather shop somewhere else as it upsets me to ho there .

The lovely once Railway Hotel is just left .

Sorry for ranting , but it is just so sad to see and wanted to put my thought’s across

Facebook comments

Sewage systems

x5,000 homes at least x10,000 more people - bet they aren’t going to touch the drainage and sewage systems - people always overlook what they can’t see.

Ultimately what you end up with is water / sewage levels constantly higher throughout the systems so that when you do get a few days hard rain it can’t cope and the streets flood - more concrete doesn’t help - any patch of green that gets covered in concrete is a little less natural drainage on rainy days

> not to mention school places, public transport and more NHS overload

Concrete jungle

Omg it will be like the Edgware Road by Burnt oak/colindale a Massive concrete jungle.will they be building more schools, hospitals, Drs and Dentists to cope with these extra people all over the borough ?????



Will be like colindale and wembley

Northern line service

What are they going to do with the public transport in the area? The northern line service is already reaching its full capacity.

Pedestrian access

Redevelopment of the Broadwalk Shopping Centre must provide excellent pedestrian access across the site.

Whitchurch Lane/A5 junction

Where in the plans does it mention a pedestrian crossing phase to be introduced to the traffic lights at the junction of Whitchurch Lane and the A5?

With no pedestrian phase to the lights it is frightening and extremely dangerous trying to get across the road. 

If you don't know what I mean I'd be more than happy to meet you at the crossing and try to walk across together.

In the past Barnet has said not enough people have been killed or seriously injured yet to do anything about it.

> The other day I saw a woman in tears as she was trying to cross but was frightened to run out into the road with her baby in a push chair and a toddler.

Pretty rough

Probably look like burnt oak with sky scrapers wonder how they will make station road wider it’s only single lane now with thousands more cars on the road. It is pretty rough around there at the moment and some of the restaurants look so uninviting and not one decent clothes shop there. The area attracts a lot of pick pockets and shady people around the ATM machines. What would be useful is a decent police station there

Google Form comments

Needs a complete rethink

Absolutely awful, the place will be ruined and lose it's present character. High rise buildings are a throwback to an earlier time and a lot have been demolished and replaced with more socially attractive homes. The anti-social nature of tower blocks has been recognised in many locations and further development of this nature should not be permitted in well established towns. There seems to be no provision for the increase in traffic which will result. Why has consideration not been given to reopening the tube line from Mill Hill East. That would make access to Edgware from locations such as Mill Hill and beyond much easier and reduce the need for more inefficient buses. This whole plan needs a complete rethink.

Banstock Road

The road to the track depot behind Banstock road is outside your yellow boundary line yet you say you will have walking access to mill hill nature reserve.  No one in the road has been notified about any sort of proposal, the security of our houses from the new pathway and noise that may occur.  When the road was built we had in writing it would only ever be a private road for tfl


Some of it is a bit unnecessary such as extra housing in the last proposal and I think the use of the grounds near Deansbrook already has a golf course and football grounds would spoil it


Fantastic and about time... I have lived in Edgware from 1971-1981 and 1995 to Present Day and the last couple of years have been seriously considering Moving due to the rapid decline of the area I may well hold off if these plans get the go ahead and Works start soon.

Buildings to high

Very terrible. Buildings to high. Does not keep the area livable.

Strongly support

I strongly support them

Greener, with public squares

No high-rise building. Just make Edgware town centre greener, with public squares, seating and water features. The area needs to change to encourage nicer individual shops and tea/coffee, restaurants etc. Perhaps a small cinema.

Mill hill nature reserve

I think it's a great idea. I also love the idea of parks, cinema and also more water features towards mill hill nature reserve. 

I also wanted to add that we live on Hale Drive that backs onto the nature reserve and old railway line. It would be wonderful to see a safer path from us to Edgware and also to utilise the incredible nature reserve more. 


The government is bent on destroying all areas not just Edgware. No amount of objections are listened to. Small rise or high rise still no outside space or infrastructure. Certainly not for local people but investers and fat cats, nor do they want any vehicles, your all to use public transport, so short sited, it's a case of I'm alright Jack in all senses and what can we do next.  


Edgware has been run down over the last 10 years or so, whilst simultaneously building flats that local people cannot afford. Cramming in flats in every available space. Unscrupulous landlords then buying them and cramming as many people in ad possible(i know of a few cases of this personally).

The shopping centre, once a thriving hub of shops that people might actually need or want, has again been run down to a few shops (Sainsburys) that you might need. But even Sainsburys has shrunk and doesn't stock all you might want.

There is no pubs except for 1. So nowhere for the community to gather as they did in the past.

The crime is out of control. Security guards are non existent in the shopping centre, yet theiving is rife.

I will not go to Edgware unless it is absolutely unavoidable.

 I will not park in the car park as there is now a private company in charge of the car park and are giving out tickets because you are not parked within the non existent lines on the bays.

Edgware has become over populated and under funded.

Need a balance

I agree we need to regenerate it into a suburban high street..As in many high streets in the local area we have too many coffee shops, hair salons and nail bars , and take away food outlets.  I think we need some Of these, but I think we need a balance, we need more  affordable high street shops for families to shop in, as well as some traditional shops such as greengrocers and bakers. I definitely agree we need a better system for pick up from the station, the turning circle is far too small and whilst I agree we don’t want people to be just sat there all night , there should be a bit more space  and flexibility with this. 

It would be nice to have a little area to sit and have a coffee etc a bit like Mill Hill town square,  and I would like to see something done about bakery path, it’s very dim and badly lit, and it needs policing a bit more to make it safe to walk through day and night.

Ugly high rise buildings

Stop ! destroying the area with this regeneration, no dentists no doctors or school places because more and more ugly high rise buildings are being placed, in an all ready over croweded area. Burnt oak , west hendon and colindale destroyed. The green spaces are gone and People do not want comual gardens. We want houses and space for our children. I

Over development

I think they should save the Railway Hotel and bring it back to how it was a beautiful listed building . Barnet council have destroyed our areas by making them into a concrete jungle! As a resident of 56 years I am not happy of the over development and this seriously needs to stop! 

Community hubs

Pubs were once the community hubs but they are being brought with the intention of running them down to get planning permission for flats ---------- The railway and change of hart are 2 examples  - the council only care about cramming people in 

Should not be a high rise area

Edgware should not be a high rise area, were local residents consulted when Barnet counsel made this decision. I do not like the proposal. It's not in keeping with the area and it's drastic change.

Drastic change

I’m not happy about the plans I think Edgware is fine as it is But too many drastic changes will ruin Edgware

Not happy

I’m happy with Edgware as it is I’m not happy about the redevelopment plans and I’m not happy about these flats and tall buildings being made, Edgware has a great history and I really hope you don’t ruin what’s currently in place. I have been living in Edgware my whole life and I’m not happy about these proposals.

Quality open spaces

Edgware needs more high quality open spaces. There are already enough high rise buildings in Central Edgware. We can take more mid-rise buildings up to 8 storeys, but not the 23/30 floors proposed. How will local fire brigades cope with that many storeys?

The increase in the number of residential dwellings needs to have an associated increase in the provision of social infrastructure - GPs, schools, buses, youth centres, leisure provision. The use of so much open ground as car park is a waste of space, make it multi-storey or underground parking with dwelling/community space on top.

Bring back a local cinema and allow shops inside the Broadwalk to open as late as Sainsburys. Keep the drop off point outside the tube station.

How long will it take

How long will it take and how much disruption will it cause.

Too many tall flat buildings


Against more high rise

Totally against more high rise buildings. In favour of restoration of the Railway Pub. 

For the landlords

It's awful. Money making scheme for the landlords that will make the area miserable. 

Local business

Why are so many meat/butcher shops opening on our high street - please do not turn it into burnt oak that would be awful! We need to retain the culture, bring in good local business, let it be more like Mill Hill broadway high street. Less of Colindale. Edgware has so much to offer beautiful suburban area, beautiful homes, but the high street is becoming awful, looks like anyone can open anything on it

Are there provisions

Are there provisions for schools, nurseries, leisure facilities, GPS to accompany the extra people. Where are the leisure and sports facilities in and around Edgware to cater for the additional people (let alone current residents)

Do not agree

I think high rise flats will drag the town centre further down than it already is. There will not be enough parking for all of the new residents or shoppers as there is barely any parking now. I also do not agree with any high rise flats that would be able to overlook edgware primary school putting childrens safety at risk. Make a plan that will improve the town not just line big boss's pockets. 

Making the town centre greener

100% no to 30 storey tower block from Knight Frank!! Rest sounds ok. Especially making the town centre greener with some public squares and more seating, water features etc.

Twitter comments & messages

Needs a cinema

Edgware really needs a cinema. Let @vuecinemas open one there.

Add cycling infrastructure

At the moment it is very difficult to cycle from Edgware to Edgware Lidl.  There are no crossings, there are barriers.  There is one way entrance and exit.  Parking is insecure and far from the trolleys.

Please save lidl and add cycling infrastructure to the A5 Edgware High Road.

Save the Broadwalk

Save the Broadwalk.  If these plans are approved it will lie empty for years.

Mid rise solution

Tower blocks?  No thanks!

In stead mid rise solution.

Mansion blocks yes

Terraces yes.

Edgware was 'Clean'

I've lived in Edgware for 48 Years ..  as a kid in the 70's 80's Edgware was 'Clean' .. relaxed .. with proper 'Shops' for our needs, Now its hard to walk, without bumping into people, and Coffee Tables etc .... get rid of the 'Beggars' once and for all ... The High Rise Blocks have ruined Edgware .. also the shops looks ragged, scruffy ...  Shop signage is the same  , and i dont think ive seen a Police Officer walk past me, since about 1985 !

Instagram comments

Does Edgware need a new bus station?

POLL: Yes 9, No 3