I've got two edge transport servers which are the last hop before leaving our environment. As they're the last hop if there is any build up in our queues it is observed there. These server reside in our DMZ and have firewall rules dedicated to allowing our solarwinds server to monitor their presence in the DMZ along with MSRPC and WMI communication.

I also cannot get appinsight to monitor the server as I get the attached error. I monitor the connection through our Firewall and see that it is making the connection but the edge server simply doesn't have the setup which AppInsight is looking for.

Edge Download Queue

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Hi all. I have been meaning to share with you guys how I climbed to master for the 3rd time now. Excuse my wall of texts. The first time I hit master was in World's Edge last season (first split). I solo queued all the way from D4 to Master that season.

This season, I solo queued from D4 to D2 for the first split then started playing with another player who's never hit master before, but was willing to try and listen to my calls. For second split, I believe I played half of my games solo queue and half of my games with the same friend.

We tried a bunch of different legend combo, but the one that worked the most consistent was Bloodhound (IGL) + Valkyrie. My 2nd favorite would be Caustic + Valkyrie, but having bloodhound is just very nice in soloqueue or duo queue because you can communicate more easily without many words by just scanning with your Q.

That said, I guess I can share about how to hit master solo queue or duo queue. The way I approach the game may be a bit different compared to other players. I try to be more strategic in how I rotate. Perhaps this would help those who struggle to climb even with good mechanical skills (aim/movement).

Crypto is very useful because he's the best legend when it comes to zone-knowledge. However, he is inferior to Bloodhound in battle, which is why you don't see him as often. If you have Crypto on your team, consider playing Valkyrie/Caustic so that you can just camp the entire game with zone knowledge.

For solo queue, I suggest playing bloodhound or Wraith/Valkyrie/Loba (if hound is taken since these 3 can contribute to team and also can rat hard if necessary). For duo queue, bloodhound + Valkyrie. All of these legends are viable, but these are my favorite.

Focus on winning the game. The game rewards placement over kp. Even if you win a 50-50 and wipe a squad, you are still negative (-18 at best if you got all 3 kps), and it's highly likely that you will get third-partied in World's Edge or King's Canyon (small maps) unless you fight in a controlled environment (i.e., you are the one third-partying and you know exactly how many squads are around you by fighting during early game when you've actually counted all squads landing in the vicinity). The reason I say this is because of my experience with grinding ranked arena. The team is only as strong as the weakest link and it's very hard to 3v2 or 2v1 against players who are only slightly worse than you (and I think the difference in aim between master vs diamond is a lot less compared to diamond vs platinum). This means if one of your randoms don't know how to head-glitch or use covers, he/she will often times go down very fast and you are in a situation to face 3v2. This is why you gotta be super aggressive in fight if there's no way to avoid it (I said earlier I am a passive player, but that's when it comes to picking a fight. If a fight cannot be avoided, you must then be swift and aggressive). You have to kill someone before your teammate goes down. Once you knock someone, tell your teammates to slow down, heal, and push together. If too many teams are around you, always tell your teammates to stay together and fight together (watch ShivFPS. He's very good in this respect and I learned a lot from watching him play). Solo queue is hard because often times you just don't have any feedback from your teammates, so you gotta be proactive and give as much useful information / command to your teammates as possible to win fights. Be the IGL and be in control of the gameplay. That's the easiest way imo to ranking up in solo queue.

If you land Launch site, always be on the look out for people sneaking up on you from Tree. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of having awareness around you to ensure that your teammates don't get ambushed. You gotta be the nanny of the team if you solo queue. Constantly remind your teammates of possible threats so that they don't do something stupid and die.

Should I stay near the edge of the zone or should I go in and hold the middle of the zone? If you know a spot that you can hold and win the game, then just go for that spot before someone else takes it. If you think the middle of the zone may be way too hot for you to handle and there's really no good spot to hold, then hold the edge of the zone. Try to control a survey beacon so that you know where the final circle is.

Queue Viewer is part of the Exchange Toolbox that's installed on Mailbox servers and Edge Transport servers in Exchange Server 2016 and Exchange Server 2019. Queue Viewer is a Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in that you can use to view information about and take action on queues and messages in queues. Queue Viewer is useful for troubleshooting mail flow issues and identifying spam.

I have always been stumped about the Connect IQ download queue. My experience seems the same as yours. Phone app will show things in queue with no way that I can tell the move things along. Things do seem to resolve themselves eventually.

I am having a problem with mail relay. I have 2 domains running Exchange 2019 with a RHEL server running Postfix between them for mail relay. Sending from either domain to an account on the postfix server works fine. However, when I send to user accounts on the domains, either from an account on the postfix server or from the opposite domain, the postfix server forwards the email to the appropriate edge transport server but it sits in the queue and does not deliver to the local mailbox. For example, user 1 on domain 1 sends to user 2 on domain 2, the message is shown in the domain 2 edge transport server's queue with the following info:

I did notice something yesterday. If I telnet 25 to the edge transport server, I get the error "unable to relay recipient in non-accepted domain" for any email address, even addresses that are in the edge server's accepted/authoritative domain. 100% I should be getting "recipient OK" for those accounts.

This queue holds analytics messages pushed from the Message Processors and Routers. Messages get pulled from here by the edge-qpid-server which parses messages and inserts them into PostgreSQL. Once messages are processed successfully they are removed from the queue.

This queue is the dead letter queue. It acts as the destination for messages that edge-qpid-server failed to process and thus no longer wishes to receive. This typically gets populated when the maximum delivery count is exceeded, or if PostgreSQL rejected insertion of new data due to runtime errors.

The root cause could be due to various runtime errors from the edge-qpid-server component. Typically if edge-qpid-server receives a runtime error from PostgreSQL, it creates the dead letter queue if it doesn't exist already, and then sends the following message there:

Wait 5 minutes and then run the diagnosis steps again from Common Diagnosis Steps. Verify that the messages on the actual queue are getting processed and ensure the dead letter msg count remains at 0.

To bring the benefits of fast and simple integration of a DNS / reverse proxy with the security of an application integration, Queue-it is introducing edge Connectors. By integrating with an edge Connector, you get all the benefits of a server-side Connector with an integration that you can configure in minutes, without touching your codebase.

An edge Connector is a piece of code that runs before the CDN edge server forwards the request on to the origin backend server, and after the backend has responded but before the response is sent to the website visitor.

You configure when and why visitors are sent to a waiting room by configuring rules based on URL path patterns, cookies, headers, or other attributes. Once configured they can be pushed to the edge Connector and you are good to go.

If you are planning to integrate with Queue-it for the first time, make sure to consider an edge Connector for its many benefits: quick integration, simpler troubleshooting, improved performance, better availability, and enhanced security.

If you are using a client-side JavaScript Connector, know that there are substantial security benefits to integrating Queue-it with a server-side or edge Connector instead. Namely, a server-side or edge Connector removes the ability for tech-savvy users to manipulate the client-side code and skip the queue.

There are occasions when the Qpid queues will fill up and no more data can flow between the Message-Processor (MP) and Postgres (PG). This will be reflected when viewing the Dashboard within Apigee Edge. No data will display, or it will appear as if traffic has suddenly dropped.

Run that script a few times and if the count in the "msg" column does not seem to be going down, then this may be a good indicator that the queue is not draining, a sign that the queue may be full or stuck.

NOTE: For Apigee Edge version 17.01 and newer, we do not recommend the resize of Qpid queues, the version of Qpid in this version automatically sets the size of the queue. If qpid capacity becomes a problem, we recommend adding new Qpid nodes.

To begin this process you will need to open Mail Merge from the Reporting tab of the Home ribbon bar. Select the mail merge document to send and the recipients, then click Queue. You will be prompted to select the final output type (print, email, or capture), then click OK. The document is then sent to your mail merge queue, rather than completing the merge immediately. e24fc04721

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