Welcome Back to (Online) School Eden Park Eagles!

Progress Reports Go Home:

May 1st 2020

Remote Learning Guide for EPA Families.docx (1).pdf

Check out our new Special Areas page located in the upper right hand of this webpage. This is where we will showcase our scholars as they engage in Art, Music, and PE remote learning activities.

March 23, 2020

Greetings EPA Scholars and Families

You can use this site to access your Daily Online Lessons

  1. Scroll to the top of this page

  2. Hover over the header 'EPA Families'

  3. In the dropdown menu choose the page that describes your scholar (e.g. Pre-K-2nd grade) and click on it.

'See' you (virtually) soon!

Best Regards,

~Principal Astor



Daily Online Lessons for Week 5 of Remote Learning (April 27th-May 1st 2020) will be posted:

3:00pm on Friday, May 8