Efficient ED Treatment

ED treatment with Cialis

Tadalafil, often known as Cialis, is one of the most popular methods of treatment for erectile dysfunction. It can deal with a few other male problems but, for the most part, it is going to be for those who are suffering from severe erectile dysfunction.

How does Cialis work?

Cialis works by increasing blood flow to the penis while a man is sexually stimulated. It does not ‘cure’ your erectile dysfunction, but it will help to mask your symptoms for as long as you continue to take the medication.

How to Take

You should take Cialis as instructed by your doctor. It is worth noting that this is the fastest-acting of the erectile dysfunction medications. You will be able to have sex thirty minutes after you have taken the medication. The effects should last for around thirty-six hours after you have taken the pill.

In some cases, and only under the instruction of your doctor, you can take Cialis once every twenty-four hours (you should never take more than one pill in this period). This will ensure that you are able to maintain an erection whenever you want to have sex. There will be no thirty-minute waiting period.

How effective is Cialis?

While there are several different medications used to treat erectile dysfunction, Cialis is the on that is prescribed the most. This is because it is incredibly effective. It should work for most people who are suffering from erectile dysfunction. The only people who really have an issue are those are suffering from the condition due to psychological reasons, but these people should be very rare.

If you feel as if the Cialis is not having an impact on your erectile dysfunction, or you feel as if your condition is getting worse, then you are advised to talk to your doctor who may be able to prescribe you something different.

Side Effects

There are few side-effects associated with the use of Cialis.

reference: http://edguidance.com/cialis/

For the most part, it is a very safe drug to use. If there are any side effects, these tend to occur when you start taking medication for the first time. However, if any of the following side effects continue to occur, you may want to talk to your doctor:

  • Headache
  • Stomach upset
  • Back pain
  • Stuffy nose
  • Flushing
  • Dizziness

Some people may find that they feel lightheaded shortly after they take the medication. This is not a serious side-effect. It is often caused by a person sitting up too quickly when they are under the effects of the Cialis.