
What is TalentEd?

As teachers, we understand the importance of continuing education, of expanding our knowledge to improve our ability to teach and manage our classrooms effectively. TalentEd is where you go to find and sign up for professional learning opportunities. It is also where you will go to prepare for your classroom observations, and where you will find your evaluations, both of which will be explained by your administration later in the school year. For now, know that Talented is where you sign up for professional development. Click on the link below to go directly to the TalentEd site, and watch the video below to learn how to navigate the site.

Three Major Reasons You Will Use TalentEd

Professional Learning Opportunities

TalentEd is where you go to sign up for professional learning opportunities. You will be contacted by your Department heads, Administrators, Subject Specialists, and even coworkers about upcoming professional learning opportunities that are relevant to you, and only you can sign up for them. Some courses are provided after normal working hours and meet requirements for certificate renewal. If a professional learning opportunity requires a substitute, it is your responsibility to obtain permission from your administrators before signing up, and once you have been given the go ahead you must log into TalentEd and find your course. Make sure to put in for a sub once you have completed your registration and receive a confirmation email.

(PDP) Professional Development Plan

Teachers are regularly evaluated by their administrators, commonly once in the Fall and once in the Spring. Prior to having your assigned administrator come to your classroom, you must complete your PDP on TalentEd. In your first year, you will be guided through the PDP set up process, where you will need to set your learning expectations for your students and for yourself. You will also need to complete a pre-observation survey. Pay attention to the process because it can be confusing, but don't worry, your evaluator will help you.

E3 Evaluations

The Escambia County School District follows the Danielson Framework for Teaching as the ECSD Employee Appraisal System. Each school site provides teachers with training around Educator Evaluations (E3). Additional information can be found linked on the Human Resource Webpage and additional resources are provided weekly in the EPIC Connections newsletter. Look for the newsletter emailed from Mr. Brian Alaback on Friday’s for E3 information and other great teacher resources related to pedagogy, innovation, and culture.

Click here for a copy of the Danielson Rubric

Anything else?

TalentEd also allows you to check on your professional certifications and transcripts. However, most of what you will use TalentEd for are the three categories mentioned above.

  1. Directions on how to Check your Personal Transcript?

  2. Directions on how to Sync your Google Calendar?

  3. Directions on how to Register for a Course?