Google Workspace for Education

Tools For Every Purpose...

Escambia County School District teachers are highly encouraged to use the Google Workspace. The Google Workspace is full of helpful tools that you can use in your classroom. You will also use the Google tools for a number of professional responsibilities, including scheduling, conducting meetings, storing information and sharing files. The resources below will give you information about each one and provide you with some potential ideas for their application.

Some Help from your Friendly ECSD IT Department:

Our team of Information Technology experts have made it easy on you by compiling a list of training opportunities and instructional sites that cover the ins and outs of the Google Workspace. These range from setting up your profile to creating an email account to a number of other things, and its all located right on the Escambia county website.

Helpful Google Tools for You and Your Classroom

Follow the links below for information on these Google Applications

Administrative and Professional Tools:

Tools you will, more often than not, use to communicate with your peers, schedule meetings, and generally use to coordinate behind the scenes, fulfilling obligations beyond your classroom.

Google Classroom is the district approved learning platform for Escambia County Schools. It is a simple yet versatile platform with which to connect your classroom, whether face to face or remote learning. It is clean, easy to use, and reliable, and simple for students to use. Best of all, the google suite of tools (docs, sheets, slides) integrates seamlessly to this platform, making it easy to create assignments. Click on the picture to link to a training site on how to get the most from your google classroom.

FYI - Google Classroom grades can now be passed back into Focus, or assignments in the Focus Grade book sent over to Google Classroom.

*** If you are an Escambia High School Teacher, you will use Canvas as your Online learning platform for your students. Click here for more info. ***

Gmail is the ECSD supported email service. No other email should be used for professional purposes. Easy to use and intuitive, it is best way to stay in touch with parents, students and coworkers.

Helpful to keep track of lessons, appointments, parent meetings, and we guarantee your admin will use it to share important school events.

Keep track of contacts and create labels for large groups of people you need to email multiple times.

Especially helpful in the era of remote learning, Google Meet lets you video conference with parents, students, and coworkers. You can record meetings and screen cast.

Maybe the most important tool in your toolbox, the Drive is where you will store assignments, receive shared files and folders, and upload documents. It is the central hub of all information documents and files you create or are given.

Classroom Tools:

Tools you will more likely use with students for classroom assignments, assessments, presentations and labs.

Google's online word processor app allows students to collaborate on a single document, share files with you, and allows for incorporation of other Google apps into it like slides or forms.

An app that lets you design surveys, conduct quick knowledge checks, administer bell ringers, etc. Best of all, it compiles responses in a spreadsheet for easy readability.

A spreadsheet app that incorporates the compatibility of Google apps with the versatility of Excel. Very useful when doing science labs that need record keeping, or in math when covering charts and graphs.

Kids love making slideshows, and Google Slides allows them to collaborate on a project from their own computers. Its easy to use, great for students to convey their understanding, and can even incorporate narration and animation into their projects.

Be Sure to Ask your School's IT specialist, Technology Coordinator, or Subject Area Specialist if you have any questions or concerns.

Enjoy Using All the New Tools in Your Toolbox! We Promise They'll Come in Handy!