Alternatively-Certified Teachers

Welcome To The World Of Teaching! We Are So Glad You're Here!

Why Alternatively Certified Teachers Make GREAT Teachers

Whatever you used to be before, you are now a teacher. That means you care about kids, you care about education, and you want to make a difference. You made an active choice to change careers, pass the tests, get your certifications, and step into a classroom with no prior training or experience! That takes guts! That also shows us that you care. For that reason, you are going to be a fantastic educator, and not only that, you are going to bring some incredible knowledge with you to the classroom that will engage your students to no end! Did you used to be a chef, a mechanic, or an archaeologist? Your students will want to know about it! They love knowing about the kinds of careers that are out there for them, and they especially love to hear about how you wanted to give something back.

"What the teacher is, is more important than what he teaches."

- Karl Meninger

We know stepping into a classroom can be scary...

We understand that you have a lot of questions about the process of becoming a teacher, finishing your certification, and a million other things at this point. Take a deep breath; you are not alone. We have numerous resources available to help you be successful. Take the time to explore the materials listed on the site linked below, and make sure you connect with your administrators to verify that you are on the right track.