Velorecicla                                                                                     Amics.EU                                                                                  Il Germoglio                                                                             Cardea

Project mission

The ECOYOUNG ON PEDALS project was an ERASMUS+, KA210 youth collaboration project, subsidized by the European Union. It involved the exchange of best practices and various activities to implement projects among young people in a collaborative effort between four European entities. The project's overarching goals were to promote sustainable mobility and raise awareness about environmental and health concerns through the use of bicycles. Additionally, it aimed to bring attention to vulnerable groups, either due to socio-economic situations or residing in rural or remote areas. 

The entities participating in the ECOYOUTH ON PEDALS project were:

Velorecicla: Leading organization, Agres (Alicante), Spain.

Amics, Agres (Alicante), Spain.

Il Germoglio, Ferrara, Italy.

Cardea, The Netherlands.

The project sought to foster social inclusion and equal opportunities, primarily for individuals at risk of social exclusion and those living in rural and remote areas, with fewer opportunities for education, establishing businesses for learning or repairing bicycles, or participating in sports.

Furthermore, the project aimed to enhance the skills of youth workers by developing and sharing methods and generating innovative practices to reach young people in rural areas or facing socio-economic challenges. This was accomplished through digital learning of competencies, with the primary objective of raising awareness about environmental conservation.

The main outcome sought with this project was to improve the quality of professionals working with young people by achieving:

The project commenced in September 2022 and concluded in March 2024. Over this year and a half, various in-person meetings and practical sessions were conducted in different countries to exchange knowledge and working methods, enhancing the richness of the services offered by different entities for working with the youth in their communities. Simultaneously, materials were planned and developed to produce the final project outcomes. 

good practices buenas practicas velorecicla ecoyoung on pedals.pdf


Illustrated manual featuring 60 activities related to bicycle use, including environmental protection, sustainable mobility, personal health care, promotion of solidarity and cooperation attitudes, employability, etc.

A series of 15 videos
(Tips and mechanics)

Series of 15 videos on useful tips for bicycle mechanics and basic maintenance. The video material is available on the official Ecoyoung on Pedals project channel on the YouTube platform:  @ecoyoungonpedals. 



A practical and methodological guide composed of 11 teaching units aimed at those who need to learn how to ride a bike or refine their cycling skills and road safety, and also for those who need more information about the world of cycling.

A series of 10 videos

A series of 10 tutorial videos on crafting and creative creations featuring bicycles. Available on the official Ecoyoung on Pedals project channel on the YouTube platform: @ecoyoungonpedals.

juego 1 ecoyoung on pedals - velorecicla cardea germoglio erasmus plus project.pdf

Broken Bike 

(game 1)

A board game on the theme of cycling. A card game suitable for all bicycle enthusiasts. Download the file with the instructions and have fun!

Eurovelo ecoyoung on pedals - velorecicla cardea germoglio erasmus plus project.pdf


(game 2)

A board game themed around Eurovelo, the cycling routes that will take you across Europe, on a bicycle! A game suitable for all cycling enthusiasts! Download the file with the instructions and have fun!


Party Bike

(game 3)

A party game, to laugh and have fun, but also to learn and challenge each other on many topics relating to bikes and cycling. In the file you will find the cards, printing instructions and the board. Good fun!

Contact the associations for new projects! You can also find us on Instagram:

@velorecicla    -    -    @officinericicletta    -    @cardea_jeugd

-Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

-Financiado por la Unión Europea. Las opiniones y puntos de vista expresados solo comprometen a su(s) autor(es) y no reflejan necesariamente los de la Unión Europea o los de la Agencia Ejecutiva Europea de Educación y Cultura (EACEA). Ni la Unión Europea ni la EACEA pueden ser considerados responsables de ellos.

-Finanziato dall'Unione europea. Le opinioni espresse appartengono, tuttavia, al solo o ai soli autori e non riflettono necessariamente le opinioni dell'Unione europea o dell’Agenzia esecutiva europea per l’istruzione e la cultura (EACEA). Né l'Unione europea né l'EACEA possono esserne ritenute responsabili.