Minsu Kim

Welcome !

I am a Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics and the Department of Economics at Michigan State University. I defended my Ph.D. Dissertation and projected to earn the Ph.D. degree in Summer 2024. I will be on the job market in 2023-2024.

My research fields are Applied Microeconomics & Dynamic Optimization in Energy, Environmental, and Urban Economics, and Industrial Organization. My research has focused on climate mitigation (energy transition) and urban sustainability. My research identifies (1) how to maximize social welfare considering the market dynamics and social cost of carbon with dynamic optimization, (2) to what extent the transnational municipal network affects local governments' energy policy outcome, and (3) understanding the peer effect of eco-friendly goods in urban/rural area. 

Furthermore, I have extensive working experience with policymakers and an interdisciplinary background. Previously, I worked as a researcher for the Greenhouse Gas Inventory & Research Center of Korea, the highest-level research institution in climate policy and economics in Korea. Before this work, I was a secretary for Korean Assemblyman S.J.D. Sangdon Lee, an Environment and Labor Committee member. 

I obtained a Master of City Planning in Environmental Studies from Seoul National University and completed my BS in Chemistry from Pohang University of Science and Technology. My curriculum vitae is available here, and Resume is available here.

Contact Me

Mail :  kimmins9@msu.edu

Phone : +1-517-775-9054

Address : Room 205-20, 458 W Circle Dr, East Lansing, MI 48824