Platform Text is part of the Platform UI project and provides the basic building blocks for textand text editors within Eclipse and contributes the Eclipse default texteditor. It consists of five parts:The text infrastructure provides facilities for text manipulation, positionmanagement, and change notification.JFace Text provides UI components for editing and presenting text. It offerssupport for rule based styling, content completion, formatting, model reconciling,hover help, and vertical rulers.The text editor framework provides the abstract implementation of an Eclipsetext editor.The File Buffers plug-in which introduces text file buffers for shared access tothe content of a text file in form of an IDocument and and associated IAnnotationModel.A concrete editor implementation: the Eclipse default text editor.

The Development Resources show how to use Platform Text components.Get Involved!If you are interested in participating in the development of the PlatformText component, check out the developer's mailing list: with people there about your problems and interests, and find outwhat you can do to help.

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To create a new project, navigate to the File menu and select New Project. From the list of project templates, select General. Once you have a project created, you can use it to store arbitrary text files created and maintained within Eclipse.

One of my favorite plugins is LiClipseText, a configurable syntax highlighter for several text formats. To install it (or any Eclipse extension), navigate to the Help menu and select Eclipse Marketplace. Search the Marketplace for LiClipse, and then click the Install button on the result. Depending on the speed of your Internet and computer, wait for the extension to install, and then allow Eclipse to restart so it can load the extension into your environment.

I've tinkered with options in Window > Preferences but the only thing for me that looks alright is making the code editor text larger.

Trying to make all the button icons and the folders in package explorer larger and they just come out a little wonky.

The standard text editor for file resources (IFile). This editor has id "". The editor's context menu has id #TextEditorContext. The editor's ruler context menu has id #TextRulerContext.


 Creates a new text editor. Method Summaryprotected voidcreateActions()

 Creates this editor's standard actions and connects them with the global workbench actions. voiddispose()

 The AbstractTextEditor implementation of this IWorkbenchPart method may be extended by subclasses.protected voiddoSetInput(IEditorInput input)

 Internal setInput method.protected voideditorContextMenuAboutToShow(IMenuManager menu)

 Sets up this editor's context menu before it is made visible. ObjectgetAdapter(Class adapter)

 Returns an object which is an instance of the given class associated with this object.protected StringgetStatusBanner(IStatus status)

 Returns a banner for the given status.protected StringgetStatusHeader(IStatus status)

 Returns a header for the given statusprotected StringgetStatusMessage(IStatus status)

 Returns a message for the given status.protected voidinitializeEditor()

 Initializes this editor. booleanisSaveAsAllowed()

 The AbstractTextEditor implementation of this IEditorPart method returns false.protected voidperformSaveAs(IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)

 The TextEditor implementation of this AbstractTextEditor method asks the user for the workspace path of a file resource and saves the document there.protected voidupdatePropertyDependentActions()

 Updates all property dependent actions. Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.StatusTextEditorcreatePartControl, createStatusControl, doRevertToSaved, sanityCheckState, updatePartControl, updateStatusField Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractTextEditoraddAction, addAction, addGroup, addRulerContextMenuListener, adjustHighlightRange, affectsTextPresentation, canHandleMove, close, createNavigationActions, createSaveOperation, createSourceViewer, createVerticalRuler, doSave, doSaveAs, enableSanityChecking, firePropertyChange, getAction, getContextMenuListener, getCursorListener, getCursorPosition, getDocumentProvider, getEditorContextMenuId, getHelpContextId, getHighlightRange, getPreferenceStore, getRangeIndicator, getRulerContextMenuId, getRulerMouseListener, getSelectionChangedListener, getSelectionProvider, getSourceViewer, getSourceViewerConfiguration, getStatusField, getVerticalRuler, gotoMarker, handleCursorPositionChanged, handleEditorInputChanged, handleExceptionOnSave, handleInsertModeChanged, handlePreferenceStoreChanged, init, isDirty, isEditable, isEditorInputReadOnly, isInInsertMode, isSaveOnCloseNeeded, markAsContentDependentAction, markAsPropertyDependentAction, markAsSelectionDependentAction, markAsStateDependentAction, performSaveOperation, rememberSelection, removeActionActivationCode, removeRulerContextMenuListener, resetHighlightRange, restoreSelection, rulerContextMenuAboutToShow, safelySanityCheckState, selectAndReveal, setAction, setActionActivationCode, setCompatibilityMode, setDocumentProvider, setEditorContextMenuId, setFocus, setHelpContextId, setHighlightRange, setInput, setPreferenceStore, setRangeIndicator, setRulerContextMenuId, setSourceViewerConfiguration, setStatusField, showHighlightRangeOnly, showsHighlightRangeOnly, updateContentDependentActions, updateSelectionDependentActions, updateState, updateStateDependentActions, updateStatusFields, validateState Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.ui.part.EditorPartgetEditorInput, getEditorSite, getTitleToolTip Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.ui.part.WorkbenchPartaddPropertyListener, getConfigurationElement, getDefaultImage, getSite, getTitle, getTitleImage, removePropertyListener, setInitializationData, setSite, setTitle, setTitleImage, setTitleToolTip Methods inherited from class java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.ui.IEditorPartgetEditorInput, getEditorSite Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPartaddPropertyListener, getSite, getTitle, getTitleImage, getTitleToolTip, removePropertyListener Constructor DetailTextEditorpublic TextEditor()Creates a new text editor.Method DetailinitializeEditorprotected void initializeEditor()Initializes this editor.disposepublic void dispose()Description copied from class: AbstractTextEditorThe AbstractTextEditor implementation of this IWorkbenchPart method may be extended by subclasses. Subclasses must call super.dispose().Specified by:dispose in interface IWorkbenchPartOverrides:dispose in class AbstractTextEditorperformSaveAsprotected void performSaveAs(IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)The TextEditor implementation of this AbstractTextEditor method asks the user for the workspace path of a file resource and saves the document there.Overrides:performSaveAs in class AbstractTextEditorParameters:progressMonitor - the progress monitor to be usedisSaveAsAllowedpublic boolean isSaveAsAllowed()Description copied from class: AbstractTextEditorThe AbstractTextEditor implementation of this IEditorPart method returns false. Subclasses may override.Specified by:isSaveAsAllowed in interface IEditorPartOverrides:isSaveAsAllowed in class AbstractTextEditorReturns:true if "save as" is supported, and false if "save as" is not supportedcreateActionsprotected void createActions()Description copied from class: AbstractTextEditorCreates this editor's standard actions and connects them with the global workbench actions. Subclasses may extend.

Overrides:createActions in class AbstractTextEditorgetStatusHeaderprotected String getStatusHeader(IStatus status)Description copied from class: StatusTextEditorReturns a header for the given statusOverrides:getStatusHeader in class StatusTextEditorParameters:status - the status whose message is returnedReturns:a header for the given statusgetStatusBannerprotected String getStatusBanner(IStatus status)Description copied from class: StatusTextEditorReturns a banner for the given status.Overrides:getStatusBanner in class StatusTextEditorParameters:status - the status whose message is returnedReturns:a banner for the given statusgetStatusMessageprotected String getStatusMessage(IStatus status)Description copied from class: StatusTextEditorReturns a message for the given status.Overrides:getStatusMessage in class StatusTextEditorParameters:status - the status whose message is returnedReturns:a message for the given statusdoSetInputprotected void doSetInput(IEditorInput input) throws CoreExceptionDescription copied from class: AbstractTextEditorInternal setInput method.Overrides:doSetInput in class StatusTextEditorParameters:input - the input to be setThrows:CoreException - if input cannot be connected to the document providergetAdapterpublic Object getAdapter(Class adapter)Description copied from interface: IAdaptableReturns an object which is an instance of the given class associated with this object. Returns null if no such object can be found.Specified by:getAdapter in interface IAdaptableOverrides:getAdapter in class AbstractTextEditorParameters:adapter - the adapter class to look upReturns:a object castable to the given class, or null if this object does not have an adapter for the given classeditorContextMenuAboutToShowprotected void editorContextMenuAboutToShow(IMenuManager menu)Description copied from class: AbstractTextEditorSets up this editor's context menu before it is made visible. Subclasses may extend to add other actions. 2351a5e196

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