I have IBM ADFZ installed but for some unknown reason I don't have data tools platform installed. I don't have data source explorer view and data tools platform perspective on the client. I tried to install DTP like described here

Hi Azat,

The best community to join and post discussion items regarding ADFz or IDz would be -and-pipeline 

With the release of IDz v16 some features were removed. See the What's New page -for-zos/16.0?topic=zos-whats-new-in-developer and scroll down to the 16.0.0 section and then look for the Deprecated and Removed heading. You will see mention of items such as the Data Perspective, the Getting Started view, and the Host Connection Emulator. The community I mentioned above also has many blogs about IDz and the other components that make up ADFz, so again I would suggest joining the community and configuring you notifications so that you can be aware when we publish new material. There are several blogs in the community that I think you wlil be interested in, but these contain specific information regarding the new Db2 tooling in IDz 16.0.x: 





Also I would recommend watching these webinars we did last year which also contain information about the Db2 tooling in IDz:




The net of it is that the old Data Source Explorer view and other DTP features are no longer part of IDz starting with version 16.0.0 and instead features for Db2 for z/OS application development have been newly redesigned. For more information about how to use these new features see this chapter and subtopics in the IDz Documentation -for-zos/16.0?topic=eclipse-developing-db2-zos

Eclipse Data Tools Platform (dtp) Download

Download 🔥 https://geags.com/2yGBpf 🔥

The document discusses the Eclipse Data Tools Platform (DTP) project roadmap. DTP 1.6 focused on extensibility and usability improvements. DTP 1.6.1 and 1.6.2 addressed over 150 bugs. DTP 1.7 (Galileo) will include enhancements to the SQL query builder, new data-centric user tools, and support for additional databases. It will also explore opportunities provided by the Eclipse 4 platform. The DTP project welcomes community involvement through contributions and feedback.Read less 152ee80cbc

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