Course Schedule App

Youran Zheng ECE 251


Mission of the project

Develop an app  that can access the UCSB student schedule API and display the course schedule according to the students perm number and quarter. 

Students can click the course to automatically set up an google event or long click the course to set the class room destination in google map. 



Finished the proposal and started the application of UCSB Developer API.

Learning how to implement the tab layout.

Week 2

Failed to get the UCSB API permission.

Successfully finished the settings activity to add course and show all the course list.

Week 3

Finished tab layout to show the list of corresponding courses for each week day.

Week 4

Finished the listeners to open the calendar to create an event and to open the google map to set the destination for the course.



Contact to get more information on the project