Missle detecting and warning system

By Xianqi Wang, Limin Ding


In this project, we aim to design a missile detecting and warning system (MDWS). This system, enabled by a couple of sensors, including a thermal sensor and a distance sensor, will detect the approximate direction moving item which has the thermal and moving characters, show its approximate location on the LED matrix and give the warning by a buzzer. if we have additional time, we would like to add a projecting device which could project the interference items, such as foil, to the specific direction.

Peripheral Components


distance sensor

thermal sensor

LED matrix

Software Design

First, we would use the timer input capture with the ultrasonic sensor to calculate the direction of the moving object. Then, the thermal sensor would works as a anti-interference device, which could ensure that the moving toward item has the thermal character which could be highly considered as the enemy’s missile. Once we checking the threatening device, the sensor will transmit the data to the LED matrix using I2C protocal to mark the direction of the moving object. Meanwhile, the buzzer will be triggered to warn the user. Finally, the board would transmit the event log back to the computer using UART protocal.

Block Diagram

Responsibility List

Limin Ding:

  • Configure the LED matrix with I2C protocal, implement library functions

  • Configure the Buzzer, trigger action to ring the alarm

  • Configure the UART protocal with the computer

Xianqi Wang:

  • Implement the speed detection algorithm

  • Configure the distance sensor

  • Configure the thermal sensor

  • Set up the projecting device (optional)

Weekly Progress

Feb 14th - Feb 20th :

This week we discussed with our TA about possible implementation issues in the project and made some adjustments for object motion detection. In the end, we finalized the overall design and purchased the addtional peripheral components we need.

Feb 21th - Feb 27th:

This week, we implemented the configuration of the distance sensor and the thermal sensor. The distance sensor can now detect whether an object is approaching, and the thermal sensor can now be triggered when a object with thermal characteristics is nearby. With these two functions, we can now perform basic missile detection, but the detection accuracy still needs to be improved.

Feb 28th - Mar 6th:

This week, we implemented the configuration of the buzzer and the UART protocal used to send the imformation back to the terminal. The buzzer can now sound at the frequency we want as an alert. The UART protocal can now send back the dectcting information along with the time information back to the terminal ( labtop ). These two external devices will be the output devices of our system along with the LED matrix to alert pilots of the missile approaching. In addition to this, we also set up a github repository to manage our code. https://github.com/JoejoeWang/ECE153B_Proj

Mar 7th - Mar 13th:

This week, we implemented the LED matrix function. Now, the matrix can show the desired image and make specific dots blink. With the completion of the LED matrix, we have now finished all the configurations of the peripherals. The last thing left to do is bring all the pieces together and make some minor tweaks.

Demo Video