ECE 153B Final Project

Derek Cheng and Hill Xiong

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Essentially, our final project will be a thermostat with a fan attached to regulate the temperature. When the temperature received by our TC74 sensor is above a certain threshold, this will prompt the Arctic F8 PWM Fan will be turned on to lower the temperature. The temperature threshold will be set via Bluetooth. Later on, we added a motor to the project so we were able to move the fan and distribute the cool air. Essentially, we created a personal fan.

NOTE: We had to change our original design seeing as our original project design (Audible Distance Sensor) did not meet the criteria for the final project. We contacted our TA and made the required changes to our project. We decided instead to scrap the idea for the Audible Distance Sensor and instead created the idea for our "Personal Fan" project. Our updated project proposal was sent to Tarik on February 21st and approved on February 21st.



  • Artic F8 PWM Fan

  • 2 9V Bttery

  • HC-05 Bluetooth Module

  • Bluetooth USB Adapter

  • TC74 Temperature Sensor

  • L298N Dual H-Bridge

  • LMioEtool DC Gear Motor (12V/30RPM)

Serial Interface Protocols:

  • I2C for the Thermal Sensor

  • UART for the Bluetooth

Software Design:

  • Connect Thermal Sensor through I2C

  • Connect Bluetooth through UART

  • Connect Fan through PWM

  • Thermal sensor sense a high temperature, trigger I2C interrupt to activate the fan and send a message a PC through Bluetooth

  • Connect motor with a L298N Dual H-Bridge to control polarity

  • Wrote functions to check input for bluetooth module as well as checking for joystick input

  • Adjusted CCR Count to change the speed of our fan via PWM


  1. To have the Arctic fan turn on when the temperature reading gathered by our sensor is above a certain threshold

  2. Read temperature with Bluetooth

  3. Adjust temperature threshold with Bluetooth

  4. If time permits, we would like to change the speed of the fan in correlation with how hot the temperature is

    • Hotter temperature = faster fan speed

    • Lower temperature = slower fan speed

  5. Additional goal that we added in week 3:

    • Add a motor to our project so that we would be able to turn the fan in different directions