Nunchuck Password Lock


By Joshua Thomas and Snehith Nayak

Using what we have learned in our Sensor and Peripheral (ECE 153B) class, we will attempt to create a direction combination password using a Wii Nunchuk controller. 


Us working on the Proj


Week 1

The idea, the block diagram. Originally our plan was to create a bluetooth NES controller.


Week 2

We realized the internal components of the NES controller were far too to reverse engineer and came with no documentation online, so we pivoted our approach. 

We ordered a Wii Nunchuk I2C adapter so we could interface with a Nunchuk and created a new block diagram. 

We also began working on our code to interface with the Nunchuk.

Week 3

We added servo functionality from Lab 6 after finishing Nunchuk interfacing.

We then created a state machine to act as our password manager.