Access Control Door Lock Project

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Block Diagram:


This project proposal is for a smart-door locking mechanism that uses a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). In this project, we use the MIFARE protocol and the MFRC522 RFID reader to open/close the door. The reader operates at a 13.56 MHz frequency, and the distance tolerance is up to 10 cm. The RFID reader module uses SPI protocol to communicate with our Arduino which communicates with the STM32L476 board using I2C protocol. The Arduino acts as a slave to the master STM32L476 board. UART will be used to display the current status of the lock in our monitor. A servo operates the opening/closing of the door using PWM signals. We will also use a temperature sensor connected on the same I2C bus as the Arduino and STM32L476 board to detect a simulated fire. When the temperature goes above a certain threshold, the servo will open the door. We will use ultrasonic sensor which will detect if people are close from the inside of the door, and open it for them.


1. MFRC522 RFID Module

2. Servo Motor

3. HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor

4. Arduino Mega

5. TC-74 Temperature Sensor


1. SPI

2. MIFARE protocol


4. I2C

Software Design

The main setup for the project will be to have one key that serves as administrator. Unless we have scanned this tag, the door stays locked. Once a signal is received the program will check if it’s the admin, if so it will unlock and enter an authentication mode where new ID’s can be entered to the data of authorized users, or removed if they already exists. The ultrasonic sensor will keep checking the closest object's distance, and if it is below a range considered close the door will be opened. The temperature sensor also will send a signal to open the door if the temperature exceeds a specified threshold.


Short Term

The initial phase of the project will be communicating and getting the RFID sensor to work. To setup the keys, be able to add and remove users.


Build the setup for the door and imply the servo motor to the lock mechanism.

Final Goal

A working door lock that can be unlocked by a recognized user or admin key card which responds to the reading from the RFID.