Blog Contributor: Rebekah Fox

Rebekah L. Fox is a Professor in the Department of Communication Studies at Texas State University. Dr. Fox earned a Ph.D. in Communication from Purdue University in 2008. Her research focuses on organizational rhetoric and resilience among firefighters and nurses, as well as the rhetoric of environmental and political issues, specifically related to the First Amendment. She also serves as a member of the Capital Area Fire Adapted Communities Coalition, and works as a technical specialist (THSP) in Communication for the United States Forest Service. She has taught the storytelling portion of the Learning From Unintended Outcomes (LFUO) course since 2015, and regularly serves as writer/editor on rapid lessons sharing (RLS) teams and facilitated learning analysis (FLA) teams.

Faculty profile

ECD Blog Posts

How we talk about fire matters: Some observations from a rhetorician in the field (in the forest, on the mountain, in the helicopter . . .)