Blog Contributor: Mollie K. Murphy

Mollie Murphy (she/her) is an Assistant Professor of Communication Studies at Utah State University in Logan, Utah. Her research focuses most heavily on examining the ways in which advocates for social and environmental justice navigate rhetorical challenges. For example, her essay published in a 2020 issue of Frontiers in Communication’s specialty section on science and environmental communication focuses on understanding how the “We Are Seneca Lake” anti-fracking campaign of Upstate New York strategically defined both sustainable and extractive economics to promote the welfare of all living things. At Utah State, Mollie teaches classes in environmental communication, gender, and rhetorical criticism. In her free time, she enjoys knitting, reading, baking, and hanging out with her partner and two bloodhounds.

Faculty profile

ECD Blog Posts

A Surprising and Important Reason to Protect Public Lands: The (Sustainable) Economic Benefits