Blog Contributor: Jordan Christiansen

Jordan Christiansen (he/him) is a Visiting Assistant Professor of Communication Studies for the Study of Culture & Society Department at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa. His research focuses primarily on unsettling rhetorical and symbolic manifestations of settler colonialism through critically examining cultural and environmental issues that articulate around the intersections of Indigenous sovereignty, the environment, race, and identity. His recent publication in Women’s Studies in Communication focuses on the strategies of survivance enacted by Water Protectors as they fought for the protection of the water and their bodies during the Standing Rock occupation. Jordan also teaches classes in environmental communication, rhetoric, media communication, and rhetorics of race at Drake.

Study of Culture & Society faculty website

ECD Blog Posts

Book Review of Jamaica Heolimeleikalani Osorio's Remembering Our Intimacies: Mo‘olelo, Aloha ‘Āina, and Ea (2021)

Bears Ears and the Proposal of the Inter-Tribal Coalition: Crafting an Anticolonial Third-Space of Ecological Land Management