Sunday Sept 29, 2024

This Sunday our series wraps up with a reflection on honouring one another based on Romans 12. We welcome Pastor Josh Tuininga and the team from Community CRC in Frankford.


Join us this evening for our combined service that will start at 6 p.m. here at Ebenezer Church. We welcome Frankford, Brighton, & Bloomfield CRCs as we wrap up our series on local church unity. Childcare will be available. And we invite you to stay afterwards for a time of fellowship.


The offering that evening will be for the Pregnancy & Family Care Centre of Quinte West. Monies collected during this month and at this combined service will go towards the 4 local churches’ goal of raising $16,000 to provide computers and office furniture/supplies needed for 4 offices in the new Centre.


  Ushers: Gerald D, Chris H

Coffee: Rob & Nellie D

Nursery: Emily K, Nelly F

Sunday School: Imagine: Amanda D, Sadie V

Sunday School: Wonder: Maddie H, Gerben W

Sunday School: Marvel: John V, Kevin K

Projection: Ben B

Sound: Ed B

Elders: Evert F, Wayne D

Deacons: Doug J, Rachel V


If you require a paper copy of the songs or sermon for use during the service, ask an Usher.


Order of Service


Call to Worship

God's Greeting

PH 428 O Worship the King

Across the Lands

What Love my God

Call to Confession – Ephesians 4:1-3 

Prayer of Confession

Assurance of Pardon – Romans 8:28-30

PH 424 Spirit of the Living God

Children’s Message

Greetings from Frankford

Congregational Prayer

Scripture Reading – Romans 12:9-21 on page 1764

Message – Honour One Another

Series: One Another In Christ

Glorious Day 

God's Blessing & The Blessing

Next week we are celebrating the start of our new ministry year by commissioning our volunteers, and reflecting on the story of Moses' call to leadership from Exodus 3. 


Ushers Next Week: Dale S, Calvin K

Coffee: Spencer & Binnie H

Nursery: Carolyn F, Rachel V

Sunday School: Imagine: Megan V, Charlotte D

Sunday School: Wonder: JoAnne D, Grace K  Sunday School: Marvel: Steve D

Projection: Gerald B

Sound: Albert F

Elders: Joe K, Christine D

Deacons: Wayne F, Cynthia K



Sept 29 6 p.m. Combined Service with 4 CRC Churches


Sept 30 7 p.m. Friendship Group


Oct 1 1 p.m. Stitchers & Crafts Group


7 p.m. Cadets Registration Night – Cadets is open to kids from grades 4-8


7 p.m. GEMS Registration Night – GEMS is open to kids from grades 3-8


Oct 2 930 a.m. Ladies Coffee Break Starts


7 p.m. Arts Night for Youth Resumes


Oct 7 7 p.m. Friendship Group


Oct 8 1 p.m. Stitchers & Crafts Group


7 p.m. Cadets Bible & Badge


7 p.m. GEMS


Oct 9 930 a.m. Ladies Coffee Break


Oct 11 Pls send in RSVPs for the 75th Celebration to the Church Office


Oct 17 7 p.m. Elders and Deacons Meetings


715 p.m. Care Callers Meet with Districts and Elders


Oct 27 10 a.m. 75th Anniversary Celebration at Ebenezer CRC


Nov 28 645 p.m. Dessert Social prior to 7 p.m. Congregational Meeting





Congratulations to Carol B (28), Karen H (28), Walt K (28), Ellie D (29), Hudson B (29), Jelle P (30), Tessa V (1), & Jacqueline V (3) celebrating birthdays!


We continue to pray for those in our church family, and among our friends and neighbours, who are dealing with illness and undergoing treatments. 



REMINDER FOR THIS SUNDAY: Ebenezer Family, please bring baby wipes for our drive for the Pregnancy and Family Care Centre of Quinte West. The centre recently opened the doors at their new centre at 35 Ontario St and are in need of practical supplies to assist families utilizing the centre.



MEMORIES OF EBENEZER: For Ebenezer’s 75th anniversary, we would love to hear from you about what your most memorable moments at Ebenezer CRC have been over the years! You will find cards in your mailboxes, and we invite you to write down some of these memories. The memories can be from 6 months ago or 60 years ago! The cards can be returned to the designated box in the foyer and as our celebration approaches, we will be sharing these memories with the congregation!



CALLING ALL SINGERS!!: If you love to sing, we would love to have you be a part of the Sept 29th, 6 p.m Combined Service. There will be a practice the afternoon of the 29th at 4 p.m. Contact Gary to sign up.



SMALL GROUP SURVEY: Are you looking for a small group? A type of social Christian gathering of thoughts, prayers, sharing, laughing, studying, learning? Please complete the printed survey form (available from an Usher) and return it to the church office, or complete the survey online at this link  SURVEY   Resources and suggestions are available to help organize & start your small group.



TOUR: The Grace Inn has invited anyone interested from our congregation to go for a group tour of the Shelter during the first week in November, after 1:00 p.m. Contact the church office if you are interested.



FROM YOUR DEACONS: Thanks to all of you who have donated bags for the Seafarers parcels. We now have enough for this year. Those of you who would like to knit – we still need adult toques to put in the parcels. Thank you in advance for your generosity.



SKIT GUYS: At Parkdale Baptist Church, 514 Sidney St. Belleville, on Fri Nov 15, 2024 at 7 p.m. For groups of 10, receive 1 free ticket with the Promo Code SKITGUYS10. For Youth groups, ticket prices will be at 50% off for Teens with the Promo Code SKITYOUTH. Regular tickets are $25 plus service charges and available online:



SAVE THE DATE! The Events Team invites our Ebenezer family to our Second Annual Trunk or Treat in the Ebenezer parking lot on Fri, Oct 18th, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Join us for “Trunk or Treat,” games for the kids, and a BBQ for all ages! Please mark this date on your calendar!  More details to follow next week.



GAS STOVES: There are two gas stoves in the church kitchen that will be replaced by a larger one. If anyone is interested in the two gas stoves, please contact C of A.



ZOOM DISCUSSION: Take one hour of this year's National Day of Truth and Reconciliation (Mon, Sept. 30) to learn and discuss opportunities and challenges for CRC churches in Canada to be part of the on-going ministry of justice and reconciliation. Join in a Zoom discussion with three leaders in this area of ministry in Canada. (9 AT; 8 ET; 7 CT; 6 MT; 5 PT ) Reconciliation can never take place without justice. Retired Justice Murray Sinclair, in his new book: Who We Are: Four Questions for Life and Nation.



QUINTE YOUTH FOR CHRIST presents "Be Ready to Respond with the Truth", a special event with guest Tim Barnett. Tim Barnett is an apologist and speaker with Stand to Reason, an apologetics ministry dedicated to training Christians to think more clearly about their faith.  This event is happening on Friday October 4, 2024 at 7pm at Parkdale Baptist Church. All ages welcome! Come out and learn how we as Christians can stand up in our faith with kindness, love and the truth of the Bible.

YEARBOOK: Orders for a printed copy of the 2025 Yearbook are due at the church office by Oct 4. Yearbooks will be available in February 2026, and each copy of the Yearbook is approximately $20.



SEPTEMBER 29 OFFERING: The second offering in the morning is for Connect Quinte. Connect Quinte is a local, non-profit organization that  originated with Ebenezer's desire to find practical ways to love our neighbours in Quinte West. Connect works to ensure that every resident of Quinte West has access to home by promoting, providing, and operating affordable and appropriate housing.



SEPTEMBER 29 EVENING OFFERING: The offering on the evening of Sept 29th will be for the Pregnancy & Family Care Centre of Quinte West. Monies collected during this month and at this combined service will go towards the 4 local churches’ goal of raising $16,000 to provide computers and office furniture/supplies needed for 4 offices in the new Centre.



OCTOBER 6 OFFERING: Today's second collection is for Ebenezer’s 3rd quarterly budget to stay on track with our budget, and with classical/denominational shares.