Sunday Dec 29, 2024
On Sunday, December 29, we will be reflecting on Mark 1:32-45, and the importance of Sabbath rest.
Ushers: Gerald B, Gary B
Coffee: Spencer & Binnie H
Nursery: Paula W, Steve D, Gerben W
Nursery on New Year’s Day: John V, Arlene W
Projection: Gerald B
Sound: Al F
Sound Jan 1: Ed B
Elders: Christine D, Evert F
Deacons: Wayne F, Binnie H
If you require a paper copy of the songs or sermon for use during the service, ask an Usher.
Good Christian Friends Rejoice
How Bright Appears That Morning Star
Kids Story
God’s Greeting
Jesus Strong and Kind
Confession and Assurance
Congregational Prayer
Amazing Grace/My Chains are Gone
Kids Message
Scripture Reading: Mark 1:32-45 on page 1553
Closing Blessing
Be Thou My Vision
We invite you to join us this Wednesday, January 1 at 10 a.m. for a special time of worship and fellowship as we celebrate the New Year together! Everyone is invited to bring their leftover Christmas desserts and goodies as we sing, hear familiar Scriptures, and reflect on God's care for us. Our New Year's Day service will take place in the fellowship hall, and we invite everyone to come early to celebrate the holiday together.
Our service next week will be a look ahead to the new year, and a further reflection on God's care for us.
Ushers Next Week: Liz D, Marilyn B
Coffee: Tom & Ann A
Nursery: Judy V, Cadence T, Holly W
Sunday School: Imagine: Kurt W, Miriam D
Sunday School: Wonder: JoAnne D, Gerben W
Sunday School: Marvel: John V, Kevin K
Projection: Cameron P
Sound: Albert F
Elders: Wayne D, Joe K
Deacons: Jeanette L
Dec 30, 31
9 to noon Church Office Hours
Jan 1
10 a.m. New Year’s Day Worship Celebration in the Fellowship Hall (will not be livestreamed)
Jan 2, 3
9 to noon Church Office Hours
Jan 6
7 p.m. YAB Meeting
7 p.m. Friendship Group
Jan 7
1 p.m. Stitchers and Crafters Group
7 p.m. GEMS – Lesson 5
Jan 8
930 a.m. Ladies Coffee Break
Jan 9
7 p.m. Council Meeting
730 p.m. Connections Meeting
Congratulations to Anne V (27), Joanne T (28), Michael D (29), Doreen M (29), & Rex T (2) celebrating birthdays!
We continue to pray for all those struggling with illness and continuing in their recovery.
We also pray for all those who may be struggling this holiday season. We trust that they will experience the peace and comfort of Christ, and the support of a loving church family.
Our condolences to the family of Luke Veltman following Luke’s passing last week.
On January 4th, at Ebenezer Church, public visitation will take place starting at 10 a.m. to 12 noon. The funeral service will follow at 12 noon, with luncheon to follow.
Dear Congregation, with 2025 only days away, please be advised that ECRC budgeted $447,976.48 for the Ebenezer budget for 2024. This budget covers all matters pertaining to our church including programs, building expenses, wages, etc. We thank you for your faithful gifts allowing us to meet our commitments and expenses and prayerfully consider what you can give as you have been blessed. - Committee of Administration
Job Opportunity: The Treasure Chest store, a not-for-profit retail store dedicated to raising funds for the local Christian schools and community partners, is seeking a permanent part-time store manager. This is a paid position. If you love working in an environment that supports the community and have retail experience, email your cover letter, resume and statement of faith to Jennie Smit Applications will be accepted until January 31, 2025.
Care and Share Food Bank: A reminder that next Sunday is the first Sunday of the month so we invite you to bring in your healthy food donations for the Care and Share Food Bank. (We welcome Care and Share Food Bank donations any time the church office is open, as well.)
December 29 Offering: The second collection is for New Life Women’s Home, who provide a residential recovery program where those who have lost hope can experience God’s transforming love, receive freedom from the chains of addiction and life-controlling problems, faith in the true eternal living God and a future for one’s life.
January 5 Offering: Our second offering for this day is for Trenton Care and Share Foodbank, whose mission is to serve the people of Quinte West by providing food to individuals and families who are experiencing food insecurity, and this number continues to rise daily as costs continues to stay beyond the reach of those less fortunate.