For anyone appointed unto death, by the blood of the eternal covenant, may God show you mercy!For anyone oppressed, may God (Ebenezer) arise, to help you, in the Name of Jesus!In the name of Jesus, I release the resources needed for your business into your hands speedily!In the name of Jesus, for anyone with deaf ears, may your ears be opened, now!Haemorrhage comes to an end now!

2). So that we can help provide financial resources for Kingdom advancement. I teach the School of Ministry students that do you know and I say this with every sense of respect and regard to the Body of Christ, first appreciating all that we are and all that God has done and He is doing in us thus far but I have to say this; most of the manipulations that we talk about in church, can I tell you, when believers are mentored properly in the building process, they should be taught that it is part of your Kingdom responsibility to provide financial resources for Kingdom advancement. Church Gist. It should not be anything that comes as manipulation. There should not be anything superstitious about it. The Ark was carried on the shoulders of priests. It will always take men to provide financial resources for Kingdom advancement but not by manipulation or coercion, it is by revelation motivated by their love for Jesus.

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3). Bodily prosperity. This means your health and well-being. You want to keep this body for as long as possible so that it will help you serve the purposes of God? If you deteriorate this body through carelessness, you will go to Heaven but you may not finish your assignment. Africans interpret prosperity as extravagance and you know, generally when you come from a background of deprivation, when God blesses you, you are on a revenge mission. Some people can sit down and take two bottles of Coca-Cola, half chicken with three or four wraps of swallow and once you eat that, we have been given a narrative that that kind of scenario equals prosperity but it may not be so. The Bible says the leaves are for the healing of the nations.

d). Financial prosperity. It means to sustain the ability to totally conquer poverty, lack and the negative effects that come with them. It is important for you to be productive, to have sufficient financial resources when needed. Church Gist There is timing to prosperity. If money comes too late, it will destroy you because it supposed to come when needed to help you solve the problem. e24fc04721

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