Thank you for your time to pull all this information together...great job. Considering ebay ending TL some time July, sellers need to start researching their alternative options and not sit back waiting to see if ebay makes further improvements to Seller Hub, or offer another program whether free or at a cost.

I have been using a 3rd party program that I pay for since 2001 (auction wizard 2000) and more than happy with results, it does what I need. But keep in mind... when using 3rd party programs, your data is only as good as what ebay developers send to the 3rd parties when updates are announced. I still have not recovered from corrupted data ebay sent to my program since the October debacle. Again, thanks for your efforts here.

Ebay Turbo Lister 2 Download

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Hi - Yes, I obviously have not been active on Ebay for some time now, but have a pile of items to get me back to it. I loved Turbo Lister mostly because I could prepare my listings offline, in bulk, and then upload them to ebay (and it was free). Now there are so many 3rd party tools out there that I am getting overwhelmed and can't seem to figure things out.

What is the most like Turbo Lister, that especially has the desktop (offline preparation) feature?

I have also been searching for a free replacement for turbo lister. The main reason I used turbo lister is because it saved my listing forever. I sell mostly used items and it get another of the same item years after the original one ended I could just go back to the one I had in turbo lister on relist it. The picture are not as important as the description because I would want new pictures of the actual item.

For me the replacement may already be in ebay. Since I get 1000 free fixed priced listing in my ebay store, I could save listing as out of stock items. The problem is I would have hundreds of out of stock items mixed in with my auctions and in stock items.

I am staggered that Alex Knight considers Sixbit to be closest to Turbolister. I downloaded it on a trial basis and found it bewildering. It has so many things that I simply don't need and things that I need but can't find them, no doubt.

Why someone doesn't put together something that looks like Turbolister (TL) walks like TL and quacks like TL beats me. I would subscribe to it immediately.

Now, I have to put things on the ebay hub. Great, I have extremely slow internet connection and the one thing I managed to list that way took me half an hour. Previously, I would put 250 lots on TL, click on upload and go to bed!

It's time that ebay woke up the fact that not everybody who uses them is a 25 years old cybergeek and has lightning-speed internet connection.

So - someone out there - build a TL lookalike and people like me will flock to your door. . Harvey Morgan

I just bought a new computer and my daughter downloaded turbolister 2 for me and now it works pretty fast. I never had problems with it before and still don'.t I fear that suddenly eBay will decide to take it down totally and all the work I have done and listings saved in folders will be wiped out. None of the alternatives sound good to me. Having my listings saved is HUGE! I don't want a store because I don't want to be forced to list hundreds of things a month. It seems that eBay is catering to sellers who have made this a business and to brick and mortar stores that are selling on eBay. It was the little guy that helped eBay grow. It used to be like an online garage sale and like the Mom & Pop stores I feel the little guy is being squeezed out between the new rules, the lowered monthly free listings, the eBay and PayPal fees and the USPS rising costs it just isn't fun any more. I am working towards reducing most or all inventory this year and giving up. Too much time spent for little profit. If somebody would give the old TurboLister lovers what they want I might stay but the future is not looking bright. eBay apparently doesn't listen, doesn't care. Perhaps we are in the minority. The best people to come up with a new TurboLister is eBay.

Sellers are always getting a bum deal anymore. The biggest downfall was when they changed the feedback rules. I loved turbo lister and now sellers have to pay extra for a listing tool. As if we didn't pay enough in fees. Selling on ebay has put a bitter taste in my mouth. I am quitting soon also. Maybe one day they will realize that sellers are ebay's income and we should be put first instead of finding new ways to stick it to us financially. Good luck to you, I am in total agreement.

It's not the perfect answer, but I often list items just using the listing tool on ebay which I don't find any more difficult than using any sort of tool to do my listings given that I have to write a different description for every item anyway, and that's the main part of the listing (although as stated above I also use CrazyLister). Even with a slow connection, once you have the listing design page open your internet speed shouldn't make a lot of difference just to add your information to a listing template. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong but I think everybody can save listing templates within ebay.

So in short there is no free alternative. Our options are all pay services. This is bullsh*t, I don't want to incur another cost for ebay, a dying marketplace that brings in so little now. $30 god damn dollars a month for these services?! That's a RIPOFF! Why can't someone make a program that we can just buy, everything has a recurrent charge now. It takes so ****ing long to list manually on ebay that it's not even worth the effort even though it is the most active venue, I'm sick of their sh*t, They're killing their own site, maybe it's time to just ditch that clown show.

Having been a long term user of TL, I was disappointed when it was discontinued. Thought I would try WonderLister. It di transfer my files from my TL file, and I thought it would work. However every time I tried to upload a file to ebay, wonder Lister would default to Fire Fox, and lock up my computer. to me it is worthless, so I cancelled it and will use something else

I have been using turbo lister since it was called Mister Lister. So I was really bummed it was discontinued. I still use it, and can update my categories but that is about it. I have recently been having issues uploading, but it is still far better then that stupid hub listing service. You can't save anything and have to build it from a template, and it doesn't always fit so it gets changed a lot. I am betting turbo lister was getting expensive to support and heaven forbid the shareholders don't get their dividend.

I, like others, have been using turbo lister for many, many years and quite frankly don't want to change. However, my main business is books and for the past few weeks I have been unable to get the product description from ebay like I use to. I have no idea if it is on my side etc. so I started looking at all these other 'tools' and am saddened by their lack of flexibility. I have approx. 7,000 listings to convert and I don't want to pay each month for items I am barely making .50 on now. From reading all these comments it was nice to find I am not alone. And have decided for now, not to bite the bullet and change. I will just list without the product description provided normally by ebay. Hopefully Ebay will introduce a product that could at least do what turbo lister did and will accept a file from turbo lister, otherwise I may be out of business soon.

Me, too, Margaret. I think ebay jumped the shark when they announced they would no longer support it. There was such a hue and cry that they finally said they would leave it alone for the time being but then would expect sellers to use sellers hub in the future. I spoke at length with an ebay rep asking questions like long term storage of listings, photo storage, etc, and they simply had no answers which means to me that they had not thought of how people use turbo. Typical ebay!

in over a year since it was retired there hasn't been anything to better it all the 5 are utter rubbish compared to the turbo lister.I still use it but it's getting harder when ebay change catagories or expand them all the listings just get lost amongst the other items without full descriptions.Massive error on ebays part they should of reworked it or modified it hell i'd even pay to get it back!

TL allows me to edit my item & view it and correct any problems change

my description just get my listing right It allows me to work on all my different items and store them before I bulk upload them to ebay, maybe even a months work I can create templates for different items and store them and use them when needed, FOR ME THIS IS A GREAT SERVICE AND KEEPS ME ON EBAY TRYING TO SELL MY GARAGE SALE FINDS

MICHAEL PORTER,, are you someone that works for a TURBO LISTER REPLACEMENT and stirring up problems cause I am able to upload all my listings to Ebay from TL2 with no problems Apparently TL is only available now to U.S. & Canadian ebayers

I've been selling on eBay for 20 years, and held the stock for the whole time-until about a month ago (yes, it's gone up since then, unfortunately for me). But I sold it because I was furious with them for throwing me, as a long-time seller and shareholder, under the bus. How? By not supporting me as a seller, by always taking the side of the buyer in any dispute, by not automatically converting sales without FB to POSITIVE after a very reasonable 30 days-and especially, because of dropping turbolister. I'm disgusted with them, I assume millions of sellers feel the same way-and I didn't want to hold the stock when the sh*t hits the fan. When and if eBay gets bought out by a bigger company (such as Alibaba or Apple), then someone is going to have a nice payday, but I guess it won't be me.

Best thing ever happened to me with eBay? When they spun off Paypal 5 years ago. That stock has been amazing, up over 500% since then. By far, the biggest profit on a stock I've ever had! That stock, I'm keeping! ff782bc1db

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