"Email language can't be changed, as it is tied to the site. You can ask eBay Germany to change your SITE registration (not your registration address) to eBay U.S. (ebay.com), or eBay UK (ebay.co.uk). Only eBay can make that change."

I live in Taiwan and whenever I try to buy something on ebay the language is automatically changed to traditional Chinese. My ability in reading Chinese is nowhere near good enough to understand what the web pages in it say. I have searched around the site and have not managed to find out how to change the language. Given that all the other global companies and a lot of smaller national companies here in Taiwan allow the language to be changed, it would be quite strange of ebay to not allow people to change the language because English is the language the world trades in.

Ebay Language Settings

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I also wish to find it, I avoid using ebay because it translates the listings and the titles literally and that **bleep** completely changes the meaning of the words in Portuguese. For example if I want to find a steam key. A good translation would be chave (key) steam (as it is we don't translate names ) the results I get for steam keys are vapor chaves. Steam literally means vapor, but obviously it should not apply here. This is just one example but any text directly translated from a language to another is really bad.

Pay attention the the website that you are being sent to when your browser sends you to eBay. The ebay cookie in my browser (Google Chrome) sends me to is www.ebay.es My page is entirely in Spanish. If I go to www.ebay.com my page is entirely in English. If the cookie in your browser is sending you to the wrong site, then delete your ebay cookies. Then navigate to and login to the site that you wish (according to your desired language) manually. A new cookie will be created in your browser.

I searched the entire website to change the language to english, didn't find the option. I live in Switzerland and my german is good enough, but there's a lot of specific words I don't always understand and it's annoying having to translate every other sentence/word. But here's the SOLUTION people!!! I switched from .CH to .COM and that's it!! ebay.com is the english version wherever you are located.

I have a similar problem. I am American but live in Switzerland and my ebay is in German, but I am not fluent in German so that makes it very difficult to use the site. I cannot seem to find anywhere to change the settings to English, and of course the fact that everything is in German doesn't help (I don't even know where to click if I can!).

Same-ish issue here. Despite using .com website, eBay started changing labels to local language. And there is zero way that I know of to disable this. No, it's not chrome auto-translate. It's as if those in charge have never heard of people speaking multiple languages. Also only parts of the site get translated, to the point that the search category dropdown is in one language, but the category list on the left is in another. It's a complete mess without any option for the end-user to fix it.

It's infuriating, to the point I abandoned the search I was going on.

Same here. I am Hungarian, but I am used to the English appearance/language. Recently the site started to use my local language but as nagi wrote not completely. I could of course live with that but sometimes the translation is weird and as I said only partly done. Annoying. They should either translate it entirely, or leave it in English. It is that simple. Interestingly if I log in the ebay.de site it works as it should, in German.

Same here. This is one of the worst experiences on any site in the recent past. Half-arsed automatic translations that do nothing else, but ruin the experience. I can't really understand how a project manager does not get sacked for missing out the most basic principle of such a feature: giving the user the option to switch languages. If I were to move to Thailand temporarily and try to use the service from there, would I need to take a quick few months long crash course on Thai script just to be able to use eBay?

Same here, this is EXTREMELY frustrating. One day Ebay suddenly just decided .com to me will be in the local language, not only that, but ever since then the layout changed, parts are missing, account settings page links don't work and the help and contact section just bring up 'sorry nothing matches' to even the most important and basic questions. What the hell is going on?? Do they not care?? As far as I know there is NO language option now whatsoever to set it to ENGLISH by default. If I want English now I have to go to .co.uk but that will not let me set anything on my account...

I had the same issue for multiple years and never have been able to change the language of my email notifications from Ebay, despite several messages to them and threads of other frustrated people like this.

Let's say I am trying to use a particular eBay site, say How can I change the language displayed on this site to English? Please note that I want the language on that site changed; I cannot use another ebay site such as

What's on the title. Yesterday i could browse the entire site in my native language and prices were converted to an estimated on my local currency. Today i went to the help and contact (it's only available in english) and now everything displays only in dollars and language is english with that same account.

I would like to change my default language to English. I lived in France for several years and I believe I registered on Ebay while in France which is why it comes up in French. But I prefer it to be in English. How do I change that?


The sole limitation is that logging to other website than ebay.fr, and you can't see advertisements of french sellers who are not entitled to international operations, so in this specific case you must log to ebay.fr and learn a little pieces of french.

If you want to void some issues in my opinion the good rule to follow is to make the main address (which identify you) match the ebay account type : If your main address is recorded in spain, ebay account regsitration should be spanish, BUT you can add many alternate delivery address (to be not confused with the main address) so you can enter your french address and select it when you buy.

Supposing you still have an home in Spain, you could simply just act as a spanish member as before through ebay.es, just adding a delivery address in France. If you sell some items located in France, when creating the advertisement don't forget to modify the "item location" to France rather than Spain with will pop pup by default.

- Also you can create delivery addresses in paypal account, this need a synchronzation process with ebay book addresses, and this operation is not simple. So the workaround is to create a secondary paypal account with your french address, and to link it to your ebay account. I suppose you have a french bank account with a french Bank Card which will match the main address reccorded in your new paypal account.

You can select a programming language (such as PHP, .NET, Java, or any other language that you're comfortable with) to interact with eBay APIs. We also have software developer kits (SDKs) to make your programming tasks in these languages easier.

This call creates an offer for a specific inventory item on a specific eBay marketplace. It is up to the sellers whether they want to create a complete offer (with all necessary details) right from the start, or sellers can provide only some information with the initial createOffer call, and then make one or more subsequent updateOffer calls to complete the offer and prepare to publish the offer. Upon first creating an offer, the following fields are required in the request payload: sku, marketplaceId, and (listing) format.Ā 

Other information that will be required before an offer can be published are highlighted below. These settings are either set with createOffer, or they can be set with a subsequent updateOffer call: Inventory location Offer price Available quantity eBay listing category Referenced listing policy profiles to set payment, return, and fulfillment values/settingsĀ  Note: Though the includeCatalogProductDetails parameter is not required to be submitted in the request, the parameter defaults to true if omitted.

Check below the examples of rules from the most popular eBay international sites ebay.co.uk, ebay.fr, ebay.it, ebay.es, ebay.de, ebay.ca and ebay.com.au. If you're not sure if an item you're intending to list is allowed or not, choose the relevant category from the provided lists to find out.

Amongst the items that may fall under these restrictions are all devices and software enabling duplication of copy protected materials; mod chips, game enhancers and boot disks; recordable media and bootleg recordings; perfume and cosmetics, etc. Please carefully check the list of restrictions on risky categories of items at ebay.co.uk.

Amongst the items that may fall under these restrictions are all devices and software enabling duplication of copy protected materials; mod chips, game enhancers and boot disks; recordable media and bootleg recordings; academic, beta, and OEM software; perfume and cosmetics, etc. Please carefully check the list of restrictions on risky categories of items at ebay.fr.

Amongst the items that may fall under these restrictions are all devices and software enabling duplication of copy protected materials; mod chips, game enhancers and boot disks; recordable media and bootleg recordings; academic, beta, and OEM software; perfume and cosmetics, etc. Please carefully check the list of restrictions on risky categories of items at ebay.it. 2351a5e196

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