It seems that if my cell phone is "idle" for a while it will stop giving me many real time notifications, including "ka-ching!" until I move the phone. One example, last evening I'm watching TV with the phone on a windowsill. I get a sale which I know about because I happen to be on my laptop closing out a non-payer case and relisting an item, and an hour later I decide to go to the basement/eBay room and pack the item that sold so I'd end the day "caught up". I take my cell and about the time I got to the bottom step... "ka-ching!" and so I check but it only for the sale from more than an hour earlier. If I don't pick up my cell phone all night until I leave the house in the morning, about the time I'm backing out of my driveway, ka-ching! ka-ching! everything that sold overnight LOL. Not just eBay but other notifications.

Anyhow, sorry for the long story and hijacking your thread, but maybe you have a similar "problem"... I'm sure it's the phone or some settings. My brother bought a new cell around the same time. He never uses it or carries it at home, so sometime it will sit by the door for 48 hours, then start giving notifications when I pick him up at about the 1st stop sign.

Ebay Cash Register Sound Download


How do you set the cha ching sound in notifications? I can't find the cash register sound anywhere to even choose it. It used to be automatic with the eBay app. I've done all those steps deleting and re-installing the file. My new Samsung Galaxy A52 phone doesn't offer the cash register sound option. Is it possible this was only offered with PayPal when we would get paid? I have wasted enough time on this today. Didn't realize how much I relied upon that sound. I had a sale today and heard nothing. I didn't even know I had a sale until 4 hours later! I need my cha-ching!

Some creative ideas on this subject, but none of it works for me. Just bought a new Samsung A51 phone, the cha ching sound is not in the options. I've seen a couple of YouTube vids about downloading the sound from some questionable site, but I'm not going there at this point. I think I've figured out how to give it a banjo sound, just waiting for the next sale to see if that works, at least it's different. Very disappointing, that sound is very uplifting.

I have the A51. It took 6 months to figure out. Go to Settings on phone. Select Apps. Select Ebay Select Notifications, scroll down to Silent Notifications(turn it on via toggle switch), then touch the phrase Silent Notifications(this is the part I never did because it doesn't look like something you could do. There is another whole screen that pops up when you do that.) Select Show Notifications Select Alert and then what do you know" you click on Sound and then finally get to Select "Cha Ching". It was ridiculous finding this! Who would have thought to look under Silent Notifications, let alone that you can't tell it's something to can click on.

I was able to get the sound to work for me on my old Galaxy S9, (this was post-split with PayPal) and it was working fine on my new S10-- until today. I have no idea why suddenly it's stopped working.

Had a Galaxy S8, cha ching sound was working on that, moved up to the S10, no sound. Sorry it took you 6 months, but thanks for your time, your fix worked. The sound was exactly where you said it was. Will have to wait for my next sale to see if works. Thanks

Recently whenever I get a bid on something, instead of the cha-ching sound, I'm getting eBay's harp sound. I still get the cha-ching whenever one of my items sells or gets paid for, but I only get the harp when bids come in.

I have the cha-ching sound selected under my selling/sound notification on my phone, but all I get is the harp when bids are placed on one of my items. Anyone know how I can get the cha-ching back when someone bids?

It was always a Harp sound when you get a bid. You get the cha- Ching sound when the bidder pays. You get paid = Cha-Ching. I get the harp sound when a buyer commits to buy and the cha-Ching when they pay.

Maybe it's always been the harp sound for you, but it's always been the cha-ching sound for me for quite a few years up until just recently. I usually do auctions and up until recently it was always a cha-ching cash register sound for me every time someone placed a bid on one of my items. One time I was standing in line in my post office and my phone cha-chinged at least 20 times in a row when some bidder did some chain bidding a dollar at a time when they were trying to overtake the current high bidder. It was kind of embarrassing it was so loud.

Hi, yes it was so wired. I was able to put the cha-ching back. I had to turn off all the buying and bidding options. (All the stuff you are buying options), Then go to the selling options, choose sound (or something). The Cha-Ching is way at the top of the list.

My phone is making a cash register sort of sound but I don't know for what and when I go into settings under sounds I don't see that specific sound so that it could turn it off what is this sound? How can I turn it off?

Hello all, It sounds like some have not received the Billing AgentAuthorization Tax form yet and we want to make the links to access themavailable here English Form and here French Form only if you'reregistered for the collection of GST/HST and/or...

Can someone from ebay clarify which provinces are covered by therequirement for ebay to collect HST, GST and provincial taxes? I havereceived a form from ebay issued by Revenu Quebec specifying that youwill be collecting QST for businesses in Queb...

We are a GST registered company. We just want to confirm that byproviding our company tax IDs we will be exempt from this program as wealready submit our own taxes and we have no way to separate the taxesout of our systems for Ebay. Anything sold ...

I've emailed the CRA on this (and I don't mean junior front end staff).As far as the CRA is concerned there is no "agreement" with eBay withrespect to collecting Canadian taxes and on how that may be done. CRA'sstance on the matter is that if a bu...

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I have downloaded the above form, filled it and now I can't find whereto send it to. I was in an online chat with eBay "support" for over 30minutes and was sent first to the American site for States taxes, thento a wrong website for uploading that...

I have decided to make one big sale before eBay starts collecting taxes.I've received msgs that this would start on July 1st but when I look atmy sales, I see that I have already been charged for both taxes on topof all the fees that eBay charges ...

This new tax situation is more than enough reason to leave eBay. I amactively involved in my hobby. Spending and selling. A good$700-$1000/month. This is not a business for me. There are plenty ofways to accomplish this, and ebay is no longer goin...

I think taxing product twice... now used **bleep** is Bull. Took arocket scientist to put that in to law. As a matter of curiosity if thisaction takes place in July... Why is eBay implementing this roberynow,just practising ??

The News say ebay wants to collect tax. Which is rediculous.I amregisted with CRA and I am responsible for remitting sale tax. When Ibuy goods to resell it later, I pay tax at the time of purchase. When Isell the item to a buyer later, I collect t...

Nice going eBay - a real nice and easy way to get some more cash in yourpockets by collecting on the interest on the tax dollars collected fromall those Canadian sales.... A real "Win-Lose" for eBay.

Our business does quick Method accounting for Gst/Hst, we have only10-20% of our total sales on eBay. We have election with CRA to do quickmethod for full year, how will eBay do this instead of us with Quickmethod? We are not gonna change from Qui...

I am not against this move. It will actually simplify things. However ifI am from Quebec only 5% should be charged. especially to AB. and BC.and now when we buy shipping labels on eBay we are being charged taxes.Are they going to do the math and p...

As the subject says, this is absolutely horrible. From about everyconceivable point of view. Of course, all this means is me and peoplelike me will not sell anything on eBay anymore. I'm sure the bigretailers still will, but small sellers.. nope. ...

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