Pixton Comics

Pixton helps teachers and students to make comic strips of their own. There are a number of formats for comic strips, various choices for characters and history, and a lot of artistic alternatives. This is a wonderful learner-centered platform that enables learners to build and display their own information in a way that is important to them by encouraging them to produce comics that reflect their ideas and concepts. 


The world's most popular and easy to use comic and storyboard creator

Learning Activities

Math: Students can create a comic strip outlining how to carry out certain mathematical process, like long division, fractions, or order of operations. By adding in their own backgrounds they can include visual and textual explanation.

Science: Students can summarize a scientific discovery or the evolution of a scientific concept in comic form. Or, have students construct a comic that illustrates a scientific process like photosynthesis.

English/Language Arts: Students can summarize a scene, book, or character by constructing a comic strip.  They could also construct a timeline about these developments.

Art: Comics strips can encourage creative expression and Pixton is a way to motivate students who are self-conscious about their drawing skills to still be creative and expressive.

History: Students can break historical events down into digestible and relatable stories through the creation of a timeline.  Have them tell the story of the Boston Tea Party or Genghis Khan in a fun and creative new way.  Or, have them create their own political cartoons to discuss current events.