Wolfram Alpha

Wolfram Alpha is an online tool aimed at making all information available and computable. A variety of questions can be answered by this method, such as "how many calories are in a potato?" "and" how many aircraft pass overhead? "and" How much money do you need to withdraw from retirement?. It enables those with access to the Internet at a moment's notice to have the answers to their questions at their fingertips. 

Wolfram|Alpha is a unique engine for computing answers and providing knowledge.

It works by using its vast store of expert-level knowledge and algorithms to automatically answer questions, do analysis and generate reports.


Learning Activities

The free version of Wolfram|Alpha allows students to see the answer to complex mathematical equations. In the paid versions of Wolfram|Alpha students are able to see step-by-step solutions for questions. Students could compare and contrast their step-by-step problem solving process with the one provided by Wolfram|Alpha to extend their mathematical knowledge. 

Wolfram|Alpha is known for its ability to solve very complex equations in mathematics and physics. However it is capable of much more. For example, students can compare different elements in the periodic table, explore computations for engineering problems, and discover information about living organisms. 

“With comprehensive data about people, places and events throughout history,” Wolfram|Alpha streamlines the research process for students (Wolfram|Alpha, 2020, para. 1). With the free version of Wolfram|Alpha, students can compare and contrast two different time periods or explore historical timelines or learn more about famous inventions. 

Wolfram|Alpha allows students to not only find the definition of words, but also learn complex grammar of the English language. It can also be used as an interactive dictionary! And, it can translate words to any other language!